You Can Get These High-Paying Jobs With Just A Certificate
You Can Get These High-Paying Jobs With Just A Certificate
University degrees are often considered a prerequisite for success, but you don't have to have a university degree to have a successful career. Many college and trade programs are cheaper and can offer wages that compete with university-level degrees. If you're looking for a different option, these careers offer a high pay rate and require completing a one-year or two-year certificate program.

Phlebotomists are the people you'll see if you go for blood tests at the hospital or local clinic. They're specially trained in blood withdrawal and storage. If blood doesn't make you queasy, then a career as a phlebotomist might be just what you're looking for. It only requires a four- to eight-month training program and pays an average salary of $38,000 per year.

Certified Medical Assistant
Medical assistants aid doctors and nurses in the healthcare of patients and various administrative tasks. You could be checking a patient's vitals and assisting a doctor one day, and scheduling appointments at the front desk the next. To be certified, you'll need to complete a CMA certificate program that ranges from four months to two years, but you could earn an average salary of $38,000per year.

Dental Assistant
Similar to medical assistants, dental assistants offer support to dentists, perform basic oral exams and teeth cleanings. They also sterilize instruments and perform patient intakes. If you like keeping people's teeth clean and want to advance into dentistry one day, becoming a dental assistant can be a great step. Dental assistant programs can range from six months to two years and you could be paid $44,000 per year once hired.

HVAC Technician
If you like problem-solving and learning the ins-and-outs of how a machine works, you could be well placed for a job as an HVAC technician. HVAC technicians service ventilation systems for residential and industrial locations and are often employed by a company, or can start their own business. Within six months, you could be starting an apprenticeship after your certification and be getting paid $54,000 per year.