10 Signs You're Broke
10 Signs You're Broke

In today's fast-paced world, where social media can often give us a skewed perception of others' financial success, it can be challenging to gauge our own financial health.
Sometimes, the signs that we're in financial distress are subtle, but acknowledging them is crucial for making a positive change.
Here are 10 indicators that may suggest you're broke or on the verge of it.
Living Paycheck to Paycheck

The most common sign is living from one paycheck to the next without any substantial savings in between.
If you find yourself waiting anxiously for the next payday to cover your bills, it indicates that you lack a financial cushion, which can be precarious in emergencies.
Avoiding Bills and Bank Statements

Continuously avoiding opening your bills or checking your bank statement because you're afraid of what you might see is a glaring sign. Ignorance might be bliss, but it won't change your financial situation.
Declined Card Transactions

If your credit or debit card gets declined frequently due to insufficient funds, it's an evident sign of financial instability. It's essential to be aware of your balance and manage your expenses accordingly.
Reliance on Credit Cards for Essentials

Using credit cards for everyday essentials like groceries or gas because your bank account is running low suggests you're borrowing money you don't have. Relying on credit for daily expenses can lead to hefty interest payments in the long run.