Things You Need In Your Will That Too Many People Forget

Where There's A Will...

Think your will is complete? Even the most carefully crafted ones often miss necessary elements that could leave your family in limbo. If you want it to be a peaceful ride, continue reading.


Funeral Arrangements

Death is inevitable, and so is that funeral. It's sometimes better to mention the type of funeral service you'd want to have so that nobody gets a chance to argue over it. Whether you prefer a traditional funeral or a less formal gathering---all of that can be mentioned in it. 

Funeral Arrangements

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Personal Possessions

Disputes over personal possessions are a common source of tension among heirs. People usually make a broad statement in their will—something like: "I leave all my tangible personal property to my spouse". Personal possessions refer to physical items owned by an individual.

Personal Possessions

Afif Ramdhasuma, Pexels

Personal Possessions (Cont.)

These items usually hold personal significance. This can encompass tangible personal property items like furniture, cars, jewelry, and artwork, as well as items of sentimental value that might not have high monetary value but are emotionally cherished.

Personal Possessions

Marta Branco, Pexels

Alternate Beneficiaries

An alternate beneficiary is someone who steps in to receive property or benefits if the main beneficiary can't take them, usually because they've passed away or decided not to accept the inheritance. This ensures that the testator's wishes are fulfilled, regardless.

Alternate Beneficiaries

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