Money Experts Say These Are The Things People Need To Start Doing Right Away
Start Building Your Wealth Empire
There’s no better feeling in the world than building a bit of a cushion in your chequing account after living paycheck-to-paycheck for a few years.
You’ve gotten those raises and bonuses you deserved—or maybe just a sweet windfall—and maybe you’ve even paid down a few credit cards. Way to go! The big question now is: what to do next?
There’s no time like the present to look at your financial goals and then build toward those goals. So, what is it? Do you want to get your retirement savings kickstarted? How about buying a house? What about investing, or starting your own business?
The possibilities are endless, but you’ve gotta start somewhere. There are a number of things you can do to get to your goal, and the options can seem overwhelming. Luckily, we’ve narrowed down the best possible concrete steps you can take to save, make more money, and use the money you already have to build your own little wealth empire—right away!
After all, why start tomorrow when you can start today?

Stop Wasting Money And Get Better Credit Quicker
Let’s face it. No one likes checking their credit score. Or, if you do, you either already have a perfect credit score or are a masochist.
If you don’t fall into these two categories, you might be like most normal people—you’ve made some mistakes in the past, and it's reflected in your credit score.
That, of course, can come back to haunt you if you’re looking for a loan, to buy a new car, or to purchase a home.
It’s a simple equation. Poor credit=bad interest rates=money lost. The best way around it is to improve your credit. Now, doing that the old-fashioned way could take years. However, why wait when you can use Credit Sesame.
Allow me to be cheesy for one moment and tell you that when you use Credit Sesame, you’re basically saying “Open Sesame” to better interest rates. I’m sorry! I had to!

How Does Credit Sesame Work?
There are two major ways that Credit Sesame works to improve your credit, but they begin the same first steps.
Once you sign up with them, they’ll provide your free credit score—and provide you with the means to help you better understand your credit in simple, easy-to-comprehend terms.
Based on your history, Credit Sesame will then provide you with personalized strategies to help you improve your score and allow access to credit products tailored to your lifestyle that can help you build better credit. The other way that they can help to improve credit score? They can help you find errors on your credit reports that could be affecting your score. One user was able to raise her score by nearly 200 points this way!
Letting a bad credit score affect your life is a waste of time and money—so don’t sleep on it!

Get A Lot—And We Mean A Lot—For A Little
If you think the ability to invest is something that only the rich have access to, think again. There are a lot of startups and apps out there that let regular people like us invest—but only Stashlets you invest in well-known companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon. That’s right, with Stash, you can own a piece of some of the biggest, most profitable companies in the world—for as little as $1.
To get started, sign up for an account and deposit at least $5 in your account. Stash will then hook you up with a sign-up bonus and allow you previously unheard-of access to amazing investments. Then, watch as what you’ve invested grows.
When the companies profit—and with companies like these, that’s all the time—you will too.
Many of the companies that Stash works with will send you dividends as they profit. A quarterly check? Heck yes. Feeling like Gordon Gekko or Jordan Belfort (minus all the bad stuff, of course)? Priceless.

It’s Easier To Cut Down On Hidden Costs Than You Think
One of the best ways to make your own money work for you is to look at your monthly expenses and find out where you’re wasting when you don’t need to. If you’ve got a car, those monthly bills increase exponentially.
There are payments, gas, registration, and other fees, maintenance, and—who could forget—insurance.
Most of these are next-to-impossible to cut down on, and you’d think that car insurance would be one of those unchangeable things. After all, it’s mandatory in most places! However, there is one way to cut down on your car insurance payments.
This is where Gabicomes in. To put it simply, it’s a search engine that helps you find cheaper car insurance. To put it even more simply, it’s the easiest way to save hundreds of dollars per year.