People Share The Most Useless Facts They'll Never Forget
As brilliant as the human brain is, it often holds on to information so random you wonder why your brain stored it in the first place.
For instance, did you know that barcode scanners don't actually scan the black lines, they scan the white spaces in between? Did you also know the longest chicken flight ever recorded is 13 seconds?
And did you know that there were 48 years between the invention of the can and the can opener?
If you answered "no" to any of these, congratulations! You're in for a treat.
From useless facts about quarters to mindblowing statements about whales, these tidbits of information will, if nothing else, leave you armed with plenty of facts to impress your friends with.
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#1 You Were Made for Lovin' Me
"I was made for lovin' you baby; you were made for lovin' me." The number of syllables in this is the same as the number of stairs going from the second floor to the main floor of my condo building.
I know this because that song was stuck in my head and I sang it in my head as I walked down the stair to the song's rhythm.
#2 Strong Bones
The femur is the strongest bone in the human body and can support 30 times your body weight.
#3 Good Fact
A whale's fart bubble is large enough to encapsulate a horse.
#4 Kid Jokes
The item number for pumpkins at Costco is 80085. I giggled every Halloween season because new hires wondered how I memorized it since we had just got them in, and now, it's been a whole year since.
They still don't understand how I remember until I tell them the number and the mind of their inner child clicks.