People Share Their Unpleasant Encounters With Celebrities
Everyone has a favorite celebrity that they hope to meet one day in person, be it a famous actor, musician, athlete, politician or public figure.
In our minds, we assume these celebrities are the nicest people on the planet; however, that is sometimes not the case in reality.
The following stories submitted by people from around the world tell of real unpleasant encounters with Hollywood's elites. Of course, everyone's experience is different, so make sure to take these stories with a grain of salt:
The opinions represented in this article do not represent those of Humaverse Inc., its writers, or its staff.
#1 Bigheaded Behavior
I was sitting in the lounge in one of the big music studios in Hollywood. Out of nowhere, Bruno Mars walks up, looks at me, and says, “Where the heck is my cab?” I looked at him and said, “Who the heck are you?”
I really had no idea who he was, but the dude did act like an absolute jerk. Mind you, I was just an audio engineer—I was not even remotely responsible for figuring out where this man's cab was.
#2 Thanks For The... Napkin?
Oprah didn’t tip me on a $200 lunch... Instead, she signed a napkin for me and acted like she was doing me a huge favor. The kicker was when she walked in, they gave away all of my other tables so she didn’t have to wait for anything. So I made $4/hour for two hours for the privilege of serving Oprah and she went on and on about signing a napkin for me... that I never asked for.
#3 The Queen Of Divas
I used to work at a Hard Rock Hotel. Mariah Carey was the absolute definition of a freaking diva. She used a bunch of employee passageways and we were instructed that if we looked her in the eyes, we would get written up.
We were also told that we had to immediately vacate any room that she entered, even if we were in the cafeteria on break or in the bathroom doing our business.
#4 Selective Kindness
Back in the 90s, I worked on the stage musical production of Beauty and the Beast. The guy who played the talking clock is an Australian celebrity by the name of Bert Newton.
He always used to say hi and make conversation UNTIL he found out I was one of the lighting crew. After that, he wouldn't even glance at me.