Successful People Share Their 'Easy Money' Secrets
If it were easy, everyone would do it. How many times have we heard this old phrase? Maybe you're finding yourself with too much week left at the end of the pay-check. Again.
Maybe you find yourself constantly watching the clock at your regular nine to five gig, dreaming of the day you've got enough money to say goodbye to the grind.
Regardless, most of us would all agree, having a little extra cash at the end of the day is never a bad thing.
We went to the Reddit community to ask the question, “What is your way of making ‘easy money’?"
While some people’s idea of easy is definitely a bit more involved than others, there are plenty of great ideas here for gigs and side hustles to help put a little extra dough in your pocket.
Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!
25. The Illegitimate Painting Business
A friend and I once ran an illegitimate painting business for a couple months. We were both unemployed and posted on craigslist that we specialized in rushed jobs - like if someone needed something painted that day.
A landlord who owned a bunch of cruddy rental units and trailers around town called us to slap some paint up on a unit he was trying to turn around real quick and paid us $400 each.
He apparently liked the work we did, didn't care that we only accepted cash and were running the business out of a Ford Focus, so he started calling us about once a week. I ended up getting a real job, so we shut it down.
24. The Subcontracting Caterer
My buddy runs a "catering" company. He gets orders for various types of cuisine from folks for funerals, biz meets, events, weddings, etc.
He then heads to restaurants and gets their bids on fulfilling these foods, adds his overhead and puts their food into his containers.
I don't know how legal or ethical that is at all, but he got himself a little car, nice enough apartment and does vacations with his girl all from this.
23. Drone Photo Specialist
I started off going to the local thrift shops and flipping anything good saved up and got a decent drone (3DR Solo). Now I subcontract myself to local farms with a multi-spec camera for crop analysis and local real estate firms for aerial shots.
I make more working for 3-6 hours on my weekend than a whole week at my full-time job.
22. Paid To See Concerts
Reviewing gigs and albums. The pay is pretty rubbish to start with, but you get the free album or gig tickets anyway.
When I first started it was maybe $20-30 for a 250-word album review, now I make from $100 per review, plus I get tickets to great shows. Platinum reserve for gigs like Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Coldplay.
It takes me less than an hour to write the review after, so it's incredibly easy money, plus FUN. Always get a spare ticket too.