Dishonest People Confess The Most Unethical Way They've Made Money
Not everyone comes from a wealthy family. Some have to hustle to get where they are.
Granted, there are those rich kids who're just jerks and cons for no reason, but for the most part, the individuals upcharging you for a crispy creme donut are decent human beings just trying to put some gas in their car.
We searched Reddit for the most unethical ways people have made money and the answers have been both hilarious and frightful.
Some clearly used the thread as a confessional booth to get out from under the guilt they've carried for so many years, while others posted purely to see if anyone could top their tale.
Some of these stories speak to lucky moments seized by opportunists, then there are other stories with enough dirty detail to put some people behind bars.
Are you ready for this? Perfect. Let's talk money, specifically "dirty money."
Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!
#25 Now THAT Is Smart
It probably isn't that "unethical" but is the most unorthodox way I have made money. When I was 16 (circa 1997) I got a job at McDonald's because I heard a rumor that employees who worked all of "Beanie Baby Week"
were given a whole set AND the ever-coveted "employee bear" that was not for sale.
Well, I found out when this "Beanie Baby Week" was going to be and I found a potential buyer for the whole set and got the job about a month before the Beanie Babies came in. The week came and went and I got my set...
all 15 of them and the employee bear as well. I took my set to the buyer who paid me $1,000 for the lot and an additional $1,000 for the employee bear.
My month-or-so working for the man I made about 500 bucks but I made 2K by dealing out beanie babies.
#24 A Little Hustlin' Never Hurt Nobody
I was organizing a bus to a music festival. The 50 seat bus turned out to be $600 to rent for the two way trip. I got a lot of interest from friends and friends of friends but that still left us with 15-20 seats unfilled.
So I personally told everyone I had on my list that they needed to help fill those seats if they wanted it for the cheapest price, I asked them to tell: people at work, older brothers or sisters who were going.
I maybe got 3 more names to add to the list. The time eventually came to collect money from everyone and no one was happy it was costing them $20 instead of $12 as if it were my fault that they did nothing to help fill those extra seats, not to mention whilst going about collecting money four of the names on my list told me that they were getting a lift from someone else and had forgotten to tell me.
Pick up day came and about three people turned up with a combined 15 more people all asking how much a seat cost. I had no choice but to give them the seats at the same rate as I had charged everyone else.
I went to pay the driver his $600 and found myself with $110 remainder. What do I do with this money? Go around all 45 people on the bus and give them back their $2.44 change?
No, I kept that money and considered it a handling fee for all the absence of support I had received from everyone on that bus for the last two months.
Someone eventually did the maths themselves and unhappy with their bad deal, painted me as a con man of sorts seeing as I profited.
#23 Did Somebody Order Pizza?
Back when I delivered pizza, I would check the local newspaper to see when they ran a coupon. I'd go to a newspaper rack and remove all the copies of the newspaper. I'd then clip the $3 off coupon.
Whenever someone didn't use a coupon, I'd use one and pocket the $3. I was scum...
#22 One Man's Trash, Another Man's Treasure
Personally, I don't think what I did was unethical, but people have called me out when I told them about it.
I saw this toy model snowmobile that said Tonka on it at an estate sale for ten cents. I thought it might be worth something so I bought it because worst case I lose ten cents. This was before smartphones so I couldn't just look it up right there.
Well, I found it online when I got home, and apparently, it's pretty valuable. So I sold it on eBay for just under $200.
My mom and I used to flip stuff from garage sales all the time, it was fun, but apparently, we're awful humans.