Regretful People Share The Most Expensive Mistake They've Ever Made
Albert Einstein once said that “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” I must be good at trying new things, because I know I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime.
Often, the biggest mistakes we make are the ones that end up teaching us the most. We went to the users of AskReddit to ask them, “What's the most expensive mistake you've ever made?”
There are some real doozies. From hundreds and thousands of dollars lost to hard lessons learned about the importance of always reading the fine print, people share the time that they wish that they had known then what they know now.
Take heart as you read these, knowing that you’re not the only one who has screwed things up. Like the great businessman Henry Ford once said, “Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.”
Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!
#25 Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?
I paid several thousand dollars to have the backyard fenced in.
Two months after the job was complete and paid for, a neighbor complained that the fencing was about 2 inches onto his property and that it had to be removed, even though the fencing contractor said it had been done strictly according to a survey he had procured.
Turned out the neighbor was correct. By the time it was determined, the fencing contractor had gone out of business.
#24 Time To Buy A Watch
Freshman year of college I thought my final exam was at 11:30.
It was at 9:30.
The exam was 40% of my grade, so I failed. I lost my scholarship and had to pay to retake the class.
#23 If Only
Nuked a hard drive that had a bitcoin wallet with around 30 bitcoins on it, which would be worth around $120,000 today.
*Cries while looking at my bank account with only $27.03 in it.*