Conflicted People Reveal Their Most Dark And Disturbing Family Secret
Imagine growing up in a healthy, happy family where you live with both of your biological parents and are harmonious with all of your siblings.
Then, one evening at a typical family gathering, granny consumes too much alcohol and begins to air all of your family's dirty laundry. What she says destroys everything you believed to be true about your childhood and current reality.
You can't even make eye contact with your parents anymore. By this time, you're 18-years-old and your choice is obvious... RUN!
Here are the top 25 of those moments found on Reddit. Stories with such a shock factor, you have to read them more than once to even start to believe them.
These stories will cause you to call a family meeting to ensure you (unlike these individuals) haven't been duped all of these years. Here lie real accounts of the moments people who thought they were "normal", discovered they were not.
Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!
#25 He Died Twice
Not my family, but I thought I'd contribute.
Friend turns 15, and she's told she's adopted. Turns out that both her parents died in a car crash when she was just a baby, and her uncle adopted her and raised her.
A year later, a man messages her on Facebook saying that he's her half-brother. Turns out the dad lived through the car crash and later remarried, her adopted parents were lying to her as they knew all along, the dad just didn't want to keep her.
That's the "secret", so to speak. However, the story continues, as her biological father wanted to meet her. She flies out to meet him, stays with him, meets his wife and her half-siblings.
Struggles with the idea of reconnecting with him, because she both loathes and loves him. Loathes him for not wanting her and getting a new family, loves him for wanting to make a difference in her life and reconnect. She takes the plunge anyway.
6 months later he dies from lung cancer. Life's cruel joke on her.
#24 And All This Time, I Just Thought My Uncle Was Cool
My favorite uncle cheated on my auntie. Ended up knocking the woman up. She had the child and my uncle was forced to tell my aunt. Aunt divorced my uncle. He became an alcoholic and I had absolutely no idea.
I thought all the times we were going for car rides as a kid, he purposely drove crazy because it was entertaining for me and my cousins but it turned out he was just plastered.
#23 Sister-Mom
I recently found out that my "mom" is actually my grandma, my "step-grandpa," and my "sister" who is 13 years older than me is my actual mom. And that my biological dad was 21 when he got her pregnant.
#22 The Hypocrisy
I didn't find out until recently, in my thirties. So at this age pretty much nothing shocks you. But it would have shocked me in my teens, when my mother was super religious, warning us against premarital intercourse.
In my early twenties, she tried to stop my girlfriend and me from living together when we moved to a city where we knew no one. (Obviously, we lived together, but we had to hide it from her when she came to visit.
) When some unmarried friends of mine had a baby unexpectedly, and the child was born with a physical handicap, she insinuated to me that it was a punishment from God for having a baby out of wedlock.
So guess what... a few months ago, my aunt mentioned in passing that the reason my parents got married after only knowing each other four months was because my mother was pregnant.
(She ended up miscarrying, which is why we'd never figured it out before.)
#21 This Didn't Use To Be My Face
That my aunt wasn't born looking like that. When she was younger some kids in the neighborhood ganged up on her and attacked her with a 2x4. I never knew, and once I found out, I just felt so sorry for her.
I was never told what happened to the attackers.