Did you ever do anything bad when you were younger? If your answer is yes, you aren't alone. Almost everyone has, some worse than others. A lot of kids stick to the basics, but once and a while children will think outside the box and come up with some pretty original "bad" things to do with their time. Some kids are certainly far from what is considered the norm.
This is a collection of stories from each end of the spectrum. Read through to see these stories written by users when asked: "What was the worst thing you did as a kid?". Some are shocking, some are pretty harmless and some can be only described as "evil."
If you can relate to any of these, you shouldn't feel bad, but if you can relate to all of these, maybe you should...
Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!
#25 Revenge On A Bully
There was a bully in our class who nobody liked. One time he took me as a target for his fun. Back then I had that "eye for an eye" logic but I usually gave back with some extra.
I was constantly on the lookout for his phone. After I got the password for it I stole it (Which was pretty easy. I got to spend gym classes in the gym while others were playing outside, since I had pretty bad asthma) and sent some disgusting things to others that were from the same school. Thanks to his bad reputation everyone didn't doubt it was from him.
There were lots of talks with teachers and the principal but it was the end of the semester. He must have changed schools since he wasn't in the same school after the holidays. I haven't told anyone until now and I did feel bad back then but many classmates often said that it was so much fun when he wasn't there anymore so I started to justify it for myself.
#24 Mail Theft Is A Felony!
I stole mail when I was 8. It started with a Nintendo Power magazine and after that I figured all mail could be that cool. My friend Charles and I would just snag a bunch of random mail on the way home, open it, looking for something cool, and then move on.
One day we found a check for $160 and thought we hit it rich. We walked for about a half hour to the bank to cash it. My friend Charles said, "Go cash it, I'll be over here" and went to a kids table in the lobby.
I walk up to the teller and say "My parents told me to cash this..." and handed her the "check."
She looks at the "check."
She looks back at me.
And then back at the "check" and says "...this is a water bill from the city."
I said the first thing that came to my head which was, "Well, I don't know about that, but my parents told me to cash it."
She called her supervisor and showed him and he just looked at me with this "What the heck is wrong with you?" face and handed it back to me saying they can't cash a bill.
Charles and I head out, back to his house, defeated. I thought "Wow, this day can't get any worse..." aaaaand then the cop car rolled up slowly.
We ended up getting put in the back of the cop car. I lived right down the way from where we got picked up, so I was brought home first. The way my dad told it, my stepmom told him a cop was out front when they saw me run full speed towards the door, after the cop let me out, trying to explain my side of the story before the cop could say anything.
It didn't work.
The worst part was, it was my neighbor's water bill. After participating in a summer of complete lockdown by my dad (like with a regimented routine of stuff to do every day) he took me to the neighbors to apologize. The wife was really sweet saying "Ohhh it's ok! We all make mistakes." but the husband was really hard about it, basically lecturing me about the whys and hows of slippery slopes and all that... I was terrified to walk by their house from that moment on.
HOWEVER, apparently they both really weren't upset, but my dad came over and asked them to really lay into me about it. I found this out years later and can't help but laugh about it because after that I realized why it seemed so forced.
#23 Golfing leads to school destruction
My back garden leads into a school field, the school I went to at the time. Me and a friend were hitting some golf balls around one weekend and accidentally drove one through one of the school windows (The front of the school is essentially all windows) so instead of leaving we, for some reason, decided that since we had broken one window we might as well break some more.
I can't remember who convinced who it was a good idea. It ended up being 23 windows broken, and because I was such a quiet kid the school believed our story that some older guys had come into the field and done it. We never got caught. This was around 14 or 15 years ago now, I forget how much of a little dummy I used to be sometimes.
#22 A Good Way To Make Money Quickly
Our school was doing a charity event and we had to go ask people if they wanted to sponsor that event. Me and my friend spent a whole weekend going from house to house collecting money (we nearly had €200) and instead of giving it to the teachers we said that we didn't collect any and just kept it for ourselves.
#21 Sinister Way Of Proving A Point
My cousin was throwing pebbles at a lake through a small tree that had a hive. I told him not to, but he shrugged it off with an "it's ok, I'm not aiming at it," so I went home quite quickly. When I was barely inside the house, I heard him start screaming and running towards the house.
I locked the door.
#20 That's Going To Leave A Mark
We went for a holiday to Croatia with my parents. I was about 8 years old, and there was something like 'day-care' - parents could drop their kids there for 4 hours a day and there would be various activities to keep us entertained.
One day we played mini golf. It was my turn, I got ready... and was going to hit the ball. I missed it completely and smacked a girl standing nearby right in the eye. She wasn't crying, so I thought it wasn't that bad but still apologized profusely.
Next day she came with this massive black eye. They must have fun looking at the holiday photos. I still feel bad about it.
#19 Boredom Leads To Destruction
Our elementary school had urinals that you could flush and my friend and I found out if you flushed it a few times in a row it would overflow and start to flood the restroom. So we did that a couple times when we were bored.
#18 Well-Done Is The Only Option
I tried to "help" my dad cook steaks on the gas grill by turning up the heat on max while he was inside on the phone. (I wanted them to be done and ready to serve when he was finished on the phone.)
I got distracted when a friend stopped by and left the grill unattended. When my dad returned, flames were shooting out of the grill - the steaks were incinerated.
#17 The Toddler Heist!
I shoplifted about $100 worth of stuff from a hardware store. I was maybe 4 or 5 and had zero concepts of money and/or that you had to pay for stuff.
My bike had gotten a flat tire, and the store was just on the next street over. I went over and got a tire, and grabbed some other stuff I liked as well; including a big inflatable dinosaur, and some "tools" that I thought I needed. Just walked right out the door, store owner's back was turned.
Got home and my dad was like "where the heck did you get all that?" I told him and he laughed, marched me right back over to the store to return it all, but I threw a tantrum to keep that dinosaur.
#16 Just Electrocuting Their Little Brother...
I handed my little brother a cut power cord and plugged it in. It blew him backward and there was black all over his hand. I told my babysitter he fell on stones, he was hysterical, I don't know that he ever told her what happened.
#15 This Kid Must Have Missed Science Class.
As a kid, bugs fascinated me. (They still do). My mom got me a little butterfly net and "bug house," a little-screened tote to put all my buddies in. I found 2 pray mantis' and put them in there. Turns out, one was male and the other female. I found the headless male the next day and the female was licking her chops. I was livid! I got so angry at it for killing my friend that I took her out and chopped her head off. A few years later I learned that this was their mating ritual and completely normal. So I felt pretty bad and still kinda do.
#14 That's One Way To Get Even With Someone
A neighborhood kid who I was mad at was riding by on his bike. Without even thinking, I grabbed a plunger from our garage and threw it at him javelin-style. He fell off and broke his arm. I don't even remember what my beef with him was.
#13 A Quick Case Of Arson
Anyway, we were riding our bikes along a farm track near to where we live and my friend said to pull over. We looked around and, finding nobody in sight nor no sound of anyone approaching produced the things to burn. The fire got way out of hand and quickly spread to a large, very dry and dead, bush. The flames were incredible.
We heard some people coming and panicked and rode off as fast as possible, both petrified of what had just happened. I didn't sleep for days. The next weekend we summoned up the courage to ride back up there and the devastation we had caused was horrible. A good portion of the unused field was burnt to a crisp, we were only lucky that the only casualties were dry plants and grass.
That was the last time we ever played with fire.