Dumbfounded People Share The Strangest Coincidence They've Personally Experienced

Life is full of strange coincidences. Every now and then, an unexpected connection or chance meeting happens so perfectly that you wonder if it was serendipity, fate, a glitch in the matrix, or perhaps a sign of something bigger. Are our lives really directed by destiny? When you experience a situation like the ones below, it's hard not to think so.


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#1 My Long Lost Brother Twinned With Me In College

When I was a baby, I was given up for adoption by my mother. She had a 10-year-old son and was going through a very rough patch in her life.Fast forward 20 years and I was a junior in college.

I had never known anything about my birth family except for the first names of my brother and mother. I had never even seen a picture of them.

Anyway, my adoptive mom bought me an AncestryDNA test kit for Christmas. When I got my results back, my number one match was this guy named Vincent. I looked him up on Facebook and thought, “This guy looks like me!

” I sent him a message explaining everything and he instantly knew that I was his brother. This isn’t the coincidental part. After talking for a bit through messenger, we realized we only lived 10 minutes apart.

We decided to meet that night and reconnect.

As it turned out, we both attended the same university and had the same major and minor. He decided to go back to school and finish his degree 10 years later and happened to choose the same university as me. All this time, we thought that we were across the country from each other. This really makes one think about nature vs. nurture. We have a great relationship now and it’s amazing to have an older brother!



#2 If You're Ever in Denmark, We'll Leave The Lights On

A few years back, my dad went on a trip to Denmark for a business trip. My mom, being Danish, decided that she was going to come along.

She had always heard stories about the side of the family that never moved to America, but she had no idea where they lived or if any of them were still around.

After a week in the country, my mom and dad were driving down a country road when their car got a flat tire. There wasn’t any cell reception so they walked up a random driveway to ask the locals to use their phone.

Well, they walked up the steps of this little cottage, knocked on the door, and an elderly woman came answered. Her eyes lit up, fixed on my mom, and she gave her a hug.

My parents were understandably confused as the old woman’s husband was also excited to see my mom. The couple didn’t really speak any English, but they led my parents down the main hallway to their guest room.

There, on the dresser, was a photo of my mom and her brothers from their high-school graduation. The old couple was my mother’s great aunt and uncle; the ones that never came to the USA. To this day, my parents still can’t explain it.



#3 Ringtones That Restore Your Faith In Coincidence

I was traveling by train and there were six people in the same compartment as me. All of a sudden, someone's phone rang. I thought it was mine because it had the same ringtone. It wasn't. Sometime later, someone else’s rang with the same ringtone.

Then another's. Mine did not but I had the same ringtone as the other three, and it was not the default one. Each time, I stopped myself to check if it was mine. What a coincidence!



#4 I Photobombed My Girlfriend Years Before We Met

When I started hanging out with my girlfriend, she invited me over to her house. Her grandmother, who lives down the street, was friends with my parents. She worked for a doctor, who delivered me. But the coincidences don't stop there.

We were sitting around looking at some of her old family pictures and there was one of a 4th of July parade in my neighborhood.There was a little boy in the picture that they didn’t know, but it looked an awful lot like me.

I asked my dad and he said he remembered that day where he took us to our old street to watch the parade. When I was a toddler, I had wandered into my future girlfriend’s family picture.

