May 9, 2022 | Eul Basa

Shameless Cheaters Exposed

It’s a tale as old as time. Two people fall in love, but one person decides to cheat. Breaking trust and maybe a couple of pieces of furniture, these two-timers eventually got caught in the funniest ways possible. Can you imagine being caught in their position? The heart wants what the heart wants, but sometimes it might not be what you can offer. Read on for hilarious heartbreaks and devastating disappointments!

1. Totally Guiltless

I came home from work and she was upstairs. I yelled for her and she said she was on the phone talking to her mom, and then she closed the bathroom door so I couldn't hear her anymore. At the time, it was as if someone invisible was standing behind me, whispering "she's lying." It was 2002 and we had a landline with cordless phones and a base station.

I walked into the room with the base station, then hit mute and turned on the speaker. At that moment, my worst fears were confirmed. I heard her talking to a guy and I could tell from the conversation that they had been intimate for a while. They were talking about when I would be working next. I didn't say anything; I just talked to a lawyer and filed for divorce. When I told her I knew and had already sought a lawyer, she started dating the other guy.

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2. Tangled In A Web Of Lies

It was June 2018 when the Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse trailer came out. I talked to my girlfriend about it and we agreed to go see it when it came out on December 14th. Well, in the proceeding months, we started to drift apart. She was calling and texting me less often, and our intimacy went down the drain. In hindsight, that should have been my biggest clue.

Late November rolled around and I saw on her Snapchat story that she was at a Walmart. She was wearing a leather jacket that was clearly a men's jacket since it was literally two sizes too big for her. For reference, I wore a size medium and this jacket looked like a large or extra-large. Ignoring another red flag, the 14th of December rolled around and I was excited to see the movie.

I had just been fired from my job so I needed a distraction. Her response struck me like a dagger to the heart. She responded that she had already seen it. Cue my confusion and questions about who she went with and why I wasn’t invited. She said she went with a friend from work and didn’t think about inviting me. I knew at that moment she was cheating but I didn’t want to believe it.

A week or so later, my best friend got back from air force school in Texas and we went out for dinner. I texted her to see if she wanted to join us but her response started with, “You’re going to hate me…” and I knew it was a breakup text. I stayed out with my friend and met up with her three days later for the closure conversation.

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3. Driveway Deception

I found out because he didn’t come home after a night out with the boys. I woke up at 4 am and panicked, thinking something horrible happened. I tried to call him but his phone went straight to voicemail, and his friends told me he had left hours ago. I called hospitals and police stations thinking the worst. I even called his parents.

They lived in North Carolina and I woke them up to say their son was missing. I decided to drive around to where the boy’s night had been. One of my friends worked at one of the locations they went to and her car was still outside. My gut told me to drive by her house and I was horrified at what I saw—there his car was, still in her driveway. I furiously banged on the door and he answered.

I went home and called his parents back to let them know he wasn't hurt just cheating on me. We had been together for five years and I felt blindsided. The “friend” he was with had been telling me about this new guy who was texting her and sending her flowers. I had no idea it was my boyfriend the whole time. I cut them both off and never looked back.

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4. Cheque Please

We had been dating for eight months. One night, while we were out to dinner, she got a phone call. Apparently, her fiancé had just been in a terrible motorcycle accident and he hadn’t survived the ambulance journey. This was devastating news and when she told me, I was shocked. At the time, I was in college, so my schedule was chaotic and I guess that gave her gave free time to be sneaky with another guy. After her confession, I got the bill, made sure she called an Uber, and never spoke to her again.

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5. Not The First, Definitely The Last

This isn’t the first time I’ve been cheated on, but I thought I was going to marry him and I never saw it coming. It’s still fresh because it happened last weekend. When we first started dating, I remember a pack of protections being in his nightstand. We had gotten tested together and our relationship was supposed to be monogamous, so I forgot about them.

Last weekend, I had a weird feeling. I checked the nightstand and the pack was gone. Something led me to the closet and my jaw dropped when I looked inside. I found the overnight bag he used to bring to my place whenever he stayed the night. I thought to myself, he hasn’t used that in a while. When I opened it, there were dirty clothes, condom wrappers, and all sorts of intimate goodies placed in individual bags.

My boyfriend told me he didn’t like doing freaky stuff, so when I saw what was inside the bag, I knew he had been unfaithful. This prompted a full search and I found a secret play dresser full of role play costumes, lingeries, and devices that I had to Google! I confronted him about it and he denied it at first, but he eventually admitted the truth. He had no intention of telling me.

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6. A Picture Says A Thousand Words

When I started dating my ex, he told me he was divorced. I met his friends and everyone told me the same messy story. One night, we were out dancing and one of his wife’s friends saw us and sent her a picture. She sent it to him while we were still out and I promptly ended things. I will never forget the look on his face after opening that text.

I wanted nothing to do with him and carried on. The best part was when I ran into his wife at the same club a few months later. The encounter completely took me by surprise. She held no anger towards me, and she was actually an amazing woman! Though, she is still married to him. We decided to send a picture of us together, just to make sure he knew how low on the totem pole he sat.

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7. A Christmas Gaslight

I decided I would tell my partner I wanted to break up while I was at my parents' house for Christmas. At that point in our relationship, he was a workaholic and super distant. For the past two years, it felt like nothing I said or did even mattered to him. I tried to talk about how unhappy I was but it just didn’t phase him.

The last conversation I tried to have with him involved him interrupting me with a giggle fit because he "started thinking about how funny and cute a basket full of kittens would be." I didn’t think he would even blink reading my message about separation but he actually told me he'd like for us to work on our relationship.

He hadn’t booked off anytime for Christmas so I was alone. I felt terrible that I had left my parents. When I was opening presents with them on FaceTime, his iPad notifications were going off loudly in the background. I went to turn down the volume and I was shocked to see the messages on the screen. They were all from one of his old co-workers and something felt off.

I opened up their chat and read the whole thing. Turns out, he'd been planning to cheat for months while I was away. Besides her, there were two other co-workers he was talking to flirtatiously, one of which had children closer to his age. I confronted him and he lied. He also tried to erase his text messages on his phone, not realizing that they don't get erased on the iPad regardless.

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8. Front Row Audience

I found out due to technology. It unfolded in front of me. She was on her phone, and I was logged in on her desktop. She had two monitors and Facebook was open on one of them. I knew we had been having some trouble but saw her asking a friend if she could stay with them indefinitely. Afterward, I found her chat with another friend of hers about how she was planning on getting papers for a divorce.

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9. Spotlight Friendship

We were at a party together and she said she wasn't feeling well. My friend was leaving early because he had to work in the morning, so he offered to drive her home. Innocent. We were all friends, and we helped each other out. Still, I had a weird feeling in my gut, so when I left the party, I made a quick stop at her house.

As I drove down her street, I saw my friend’s car parked in front of her house. I turned my lights off and slowly drove closer. When I was parallel to his car, I blasted my high beams—at that moment, I discovered their disgusting secret. There they were, totally going for it. They pulled away from a kiss when they saw me. I pulled up to the side of his car and we both rolled down our windows.

I asked how everyone was feeling and drove home single.

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10. Leave A Message After The Beep

I had suspicions about my wife for a while, but the confirmation came in the form of a voicemail from the other guy's wife. The message said she thought I should know my wife was sleeping with her husband. If I had any questions to ask my wife and she wished me well. The truth came out later as I played the voicemail for my wife.

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11. We’ve Got The Receipts

I had suspicions for a long time that my husband was cheating, but every time I accused him, he managed to spin it and make me feel paranoid. Looking back, there were tons of red flags; but the way I found out was through digital intervention. One night, at work, my phone rang and I didn’t answer because it was an unknown number.

Immediately after, my husband called, sounding frantic. He screamed at me, “You’re about to get a phone call, don’t answer it!! It’s all lies!” I was intrigued and I asked him to explain. He continued, “Melissa’s boyfriend thinks we’ve been sleeping together and he’s on a paranoia rampage.” I called back Melissa’s boyfriend and he said three words that turned my life upside-down: "There are pictures."

They weren’t just pictures, either—he also had screenshots and wanted to send them to me. I declined the proof because I had known all along. I believed him, thanked him, and called my husband back. I told him he had the night to pack and better not be home when I got off in the morning. The relief was overwhelming and I never doubted my instincts again.

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12. A Confession From Beyond

When I became a widow, I realized my husband had kept all of our old phones. I wanted to look through them to read our old texts and feel nostalgic. That’s when I found a phone number that had been calling him daily on his commute to and from work. I searched his email from the contact details and confirmed the affair. It’s still unclear if it was a year or three, but it was devastating.

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13. Everything You Say Will Be Used Against You

I showed up at the police station to bail my boyfriend out. I had no idea why he was locked up, but as I was signing bail forms, I overheard the conversation behind me. The bondsman was talking to a woman, and he asked her how she knew my boyfriend. Her response shook me to my core. Without any hesitation, she said they were dating. I slowly turned around, thinking I must have misheard.

I asked her who she was and she recognized me. She said it was nice to meet me, which was surprising as I didn’t know who she was. I found out my boyfriend had an ongoing relationship with another woman, but that's not even the worst part—it turns out that she is 20 years my junior. The night before, she had put a restraining order on him, which he violated the next morning, hence the arrest.

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14. Choose A Bright Future

I knew something was wrong. The way my wife was acting let me know something was off. I asked her directly if she was having an affair and she denied it. She suggested we go to marriage counseling. It made me think I was doing something wrong, and I felt guilted into thinking that counseling could save my marriage. Then, I started catching her in lies during our sessions.

We attended counseling for about a month and a half and it didn’t feel like we were making any progress. Later that week, I had enough and logged into her Facebook. When I looked through her inbox, my heart dropped. I found conversations between her and someone I suspected and there was no longer any denial. I called her crying, but she was annoyed at me and hung up.

I made a promise not to waste another day. I went to the bank, took out my savings, and called my boss to arrange a transfer. By the end of the day, I was packed and moving towards my future. I ended up remarrying a woman with two kids and I couldn't be happier. All I ask for in a relationship is trust and honesty. Don’t settle for anything less.

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15. Six Degrees Of Relationships

My boyfriend and I broke up and I started meeting new people. One of the new friends I made asked if I was seeing anyone. I told her I was newly single and mentioned my ex. Her face turned white when I told her his name. She was surprised because she had also recently broken up with someone by that name. We took out pictures and it turned out that we had been dating the same unique twit.

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16. And You Say He’s Just A Friend

I had been dating my girlfriend for eight months. On her birthday, flowers arrived from a guy named Matt. She managed to convince me that he was just a friend. I was meeting her family for the first time that night, and she told me it wouldn't make sense for her to invite me if she was seeing someone else. In my mind, we were on track—we had even exchanged the L-word for the first time a few days prior.

After dinner, I stayed at her house, then left for work in the morning. Later that day, she wasn’t answering my texts. I tried asking what we were doing that weekend, and that’s when the dark truth came out. Matt was her boyfriend of five years, and she was moving to be with him in the house that he had bought. She was leaving that week and didn’t think we should stay friends. That left me with just a few trust issues.

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17. Sister In Your Corner

My partner was visiting his family across the country when his sister called to tell me that his ex-wife had driven up there and they were back together. I had never met his sister, so I knew it was serious. I asked to speak to him. He promised me his sister was just jealous of his happiness but I couldn’t ignore it and I broke things off.

After a few months passed, he called me and said he wanted to rekindle our romance. I wasn’t overly eager but his sister swooped in again with a bombshell reveal. She called to let me know after our break-up, he had remarried his ex-wife. This time, he didn’t deny it; but he was persistent that we should be together even though he was married. I blocked the number and thank the sister every day.

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18. Dressed For Disaster

I found out because she walked into my work at 3 am in another man’s hoodie and leopard print high heels. Before this, I had my suspicions due to the usual changes in behavior, but I was working a new overnight shift at a printing store and I thought it might be related to the schedule changes. Then my girlfriend walked in that morning looking like she’d been crying.

I was puzzled because I assumed she was at home sleeping. I asked her what was going on and she sobbed that she wrecked her car and needed a drive home. I gave her my keys and figured we would talk about it in the morning. When I get home at 8 am, her purse was on the table, which I accidentally knocked over. My blood boiled when I looked at the contents that fell out onto the floor.

I immediately unlocked her phone and go to her messages. I found a long chat history between her and another man, detailing their affair. It had been going on for a while. I woke her up and kicked her out. Turns out, the night before, she had lost control of her car while with the other guy, totaling it in the process.

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19. Falling Down The Family Tree

I was in a long-term and long-distance relationship with a girl who I truly adored. We saw each other as often as we could and always made the most of our time together. One weekend, she traveled with her mom to visit her grandmother and reconnected with a male cousin. They hadn’t seen each other since they were children.

The next time she came to visit me, she planned a detour on her way home to stay with her grandmother and cousin for a few days. She spoke about her cousin a lot and I was genuinely pleased that they had reconnected. When the weekend ended, I walked her to the train station, kissed her goodbye, and wished her a lovely stay with her grandmother.

A couple of days passed and I didn’t hear anything from her, which was unusual. I called her mobile phone a few times and sent her text messages asking if she was OK, but got no reply. On the fourth day, I called her mom to see if she’d heard from her daughter. She had, so I couldn’t understand why she hadn’t called me. Her mom gave me the grandmother’s number.

I called and her grandmother answered. I asked to speak with my girlfriend who came straight to the phone, unaware that I’d been given the number. When she heard my voice, she went very quiet. Then, she revealed the shocking truth. I eventually got her to admit that she “had feelings” for someone else. I naively questioned it because she’d only spent time with her cousin...Bingo.

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20. High School Heartbreak

The absolute worse moment of my life was finding out my wife had a two-year-long affair. I found out because the other man’s wife texted me. We were high school sweethearts and had been married for eighteen years with two kids. When I confronted her, she tried to deny it, but I had too many facts. It was and still is, devastating.

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21. Shocked Into Silence

My boyfriend at the time didn’t think twice about wrapping his arm around one of my friends and then kissing her. She wasn’t my best friend, but we were still pretty close. I had to walk away to process it, and I don’t think they even noticed. The girl came to find me later and I immediately wanted to know what was going on. I thought I already knew the whole story, but when she explained it, I was thrown completely off-guard.

Apparently, everyone in our friend circle knew they were also dating and assumed I also knew. They had been seeing each other almost the same length of time we had been dating. I felt like I had to accept it because no one else thought it was weird. The whole experience gave me a good lesson on boundaries and self-worth.

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22. Failure To Launch

I was dating a co-worker for under a month, but he was already saying big sentences like, "I think I'm falling in love with you." I responded with, "I need to go slower." I don’t have a lot of relationship experience and I wasn’t sure what was acceptable timing, but it felt too quick. One night, a group of us went out for dinner.

I noticed he was being super affectionate with another colleague. He was whispering in her ear and touching her arm, barely paying me any attention. I decided to end things a few days later, but he said we could go slower. He insisted we had something special and that I should stick it out. I felt conflicted but I ultimately agreed to continue dating.

Two days later, I walked into an unexpected surprise in the breakroom—I found him with the same colleague from dinner playing tonsil tennis. I think I gasped and that caused them to pry their faces apart. My head-over-heels Romeo then said, "Hey, we are going to go out to dinner, you should join us!" I was too stunned to respond...I just turned around and walked out.

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23. Love Doesn’t Live Here

I thought my partner and I were going through a rough patch. She had been acting strange and she felt more like a roommate than significant other. I had seen her hide some messages and my curiosity got the better of me. I guessed her Instagram password and found messages with her ex plus other men. I knew it was done and I needed a plan.

I immediately started looking for a new place to live, but just as I was getting everything in order, I lost my job. I waited a few weeks to break up with her while I figured my life out. I was at peace though because I knew she was a horrible person and I also no longer had to deal with my jerk of a boss.

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24. Young Love Is A Rollercoaster

My first serious girlfriend after high school worked at an amusement park. I would pick her up after work and we'd hang out because everyone there was pretty cool. We started spending most of our time with another couple and another male employee. One night, it was super late and my girlfriend still hadn't called me to pick her up.

She wasn’t replying to my texts, so I just started driving there thinking we'd all hang out in the park after hours as usual. I decided to swing by for some McDonald’s first and that's when everything changed—I ended up seeing my girlfriend and her coworker splitting a milkshake. It looked like a scene from a romantic movie. I messaged the couple we were friends with and found out that they had been going on dates for quite some time.

Years later, they got married, had a couple of kids, and then got divorced. I haven’t stayed in touch with anyone from the park. My ex did reach out on Facebook a couple of years later to see if I was going to our high school reunion. I ignored the message and skipped the reunion. I couldn’t live in the past and there was no way I was going to repeat high school.

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25. Ashes To Ashes

I was working full time and he was unemployed at the time. We didn't exactly live together, but I slept over most nights of the week. I would do simple things like cook for him when I got home, and I also kept the fridge stocked. One week, I was too busy at work to go over to his house so I didn’t see him until the following Saturday.

We went to the mall, then to the supermarket, and then back to his place. I went on the balcony to smoke a cigarette and noticed in the ashtray were a bunch of pink Sobranie butts. I don't smoke Sobranie, and he doesn’t smoke at all. After I finished, I asked him if someone had visited recently. He was quick to deny having any friends over.

But then I mentioned the cigarette butts and his demeanor changed completely. He eventually confessed to having another woman over. I felt shattered, I couldn't say a word. He said we were equally to blame because I hadn’t seen him all week and he was lonely. I cringe remembering how I forgave him and came to my senses months later. The entire time, no matter what I did, somehow it was also my fault.

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26. Tingle And Multi-Mingle

I met her on a dating site and she lived in a different city. We started texting and calling each other on a daily basis before I went to visit her for a weekend. The trip was great and two weeks later, she came to visit me. Everything felt good and we continued dating for a few months. We even took a vacation together and I felt happy.

Then, I began to notice that the things she told me didn't always add up. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but I had this growing, subliminal suspicion that something was wrong. One night, I ended up with her phone in my hand when she went to the bathroom. I looked at the screen and my heart stopped—an email popped up from a guy named Christian.

Christian was confirming the flight he had booked for them. I opened it and took a picture with my phone, but didn't confront her immediately and took my time to process. I asked her how many boyfriends she currently had and explained my gut feelings. She admitted to dating other people but told me nothing was as serious as what we had.

Then, I told her I knew about Christian and said he deserved to know about me. Immediately, she got emotional, begging me to leave him out of this and saying through tears that they had plans. I ended things that day and wrote an email to Christian that night. He didn’t know she was seeing other partners either and found out she had been dating both of us at the same time.

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27. The Path To Love

My girlfriend left to go camping for a few weeks. A week and a half into her trip, she posted a Snapchat from Florida with another guy hugging her from behind in a hotel room mirror. Apparently, during this camping trip, their paths crossed and after only knowing each other for a couple of days, she moved there. She told me I couldn’t be mad at divine intervention.

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28. Eviction Edition

I was eighteen and my girlfriend wanted us to live together. We signed our lease in September and our first month was exciting! But by November, we were having problems. We worked different shifts, and my days off landed when she was working. One time, I woke up on my day off, kissed her goodbye, and grabbed her iPad to settle in and play some games.

As I was playing a game, an iMessage came through. That wasn't uncommon, but it was weird that she was receiving texts at 6 am. I decided not to open the text notifications—I put the iPad down and took a nap instead. When I woke up, I decided to play games on the iPad again, but this time, when I opened the screen, it instantly went to the unread messages. I almost dropped the iPad when I read the conversation.

She was talking with her ex-boyfriend and based on the message history, I could tell they’d been talking for a while. I waited for her to get home so we could talk about it, but she denied it at first and tried to spin it on me. Then, I brought up what they were talking about that morning and she realized she had been caught.

Things moved pretty quickly after that. A couple of days later, we were broken up and she moved out. After she left, I went down to the rental office and took my name off the lease. It cost me a couple of hundred bucks but I was getting the best revenge. She never told the building she was leaving, so the apartment stayed registered to her.

She tried to apply for another apartment and found out her credit was bad due to an eviction. She tried to take me to court but lost that battle too and got stuck paying unpaid rent, late fees, and legal costs. I’ve never regretted it for a second. You can break my heart but I’ll break your credit score if you do!

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29. Swipe Right For Love

My partner and I at the time were long-distance and he was living two states away. We had a solid relationship for two years and made trips to go see each other as often as we could. One day, my former roommate called me to check in. I could tell by her tone I knew something was wrong. What she told me made my blood boil. She had found my partner’s Tinder account.

My trust and heart were shattered. I didn’t see it coming since at the beginning of the relationship, he told me cheating was an absolute deal-breaker. We had discussed if the relationship should be open and he said no. Ironically, he said if he ever found out I made a Tinder profile, he would leave. I followed his rules and broke up with him for good.

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30. Don’t Be In The Closet

Three years ago, my girlfriend and I went to a party thrown by a mutual friend. I went to get us drinks and when I came back, I couldn’t find her. After walking around the house for a few minutes, I heard her voice coming from the closet. I opened the door and my jaw dropped—I saw her shirtless and making out with her ex. I just closed the door and left the party.

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31. Flush Away The Future

My girlfriend had a studio apartment and lived alone. One day, when I got to her place, I went to the bathroom and saw used protection in the trash. We had stopped using protection, so she confessed easily. We still stayed together and she promised me she would change. A year later, she found out I got invited to this exclusive party.

She kept urging me to take her, convincing me it would be fun for both of us—little did I know that she had ulterior motives. I didn’t realize it, but her ex was also invited, and that's why she made a big deal about me bringing her. I was invited for work and had to organize a plus one so it was a huge hassle. I regret it to this day because I ended up finding her with her ex in the toilets.

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32. Using Miles For Heartbreak

We were doing long-distance while I lived abroad. He visited me with a plane ticket I purchased. Less than a month after, an old coworker of mine told me she saw him at a bar kissing and holding hands with another girl. She confronted them, saying she was his best friend and that he was already in a relationship. His best friend was dating my brother-in-law’s friend, so he eventually got caught.

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33. Turn Left And Break-up

She was driving and handed me her phone so I could navigate the directions. While I was holding her phone, she got a message from another guy. I had already told her their friendship made me uncomfortable and she said I had nothing to worry about. But then I read the message and I broke down. He wanted to know what time to pick her up for their date. I calmly asked her how I should respond.

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34. The Dog Days Of Divorce

My best friend accidentally let it slip in a Facebook message because she thought I already knew. I was relieved because I had suspicions but never any proof. When I confronted my wife, she tried to say the guy aggressively took advantage of her. I didn’t buy that lie and she finally confessed. But here's the kicker—despite everything, we still stayed together for another seven years.

Even though we tried to make it work, our relationship never recovered. It was turmoil because she’s a raging narcissist who can’t handle making mistakes. I finally left her in March of 2017, and within two months she was shacked up with someone else, raising their kid with two new adopted dogs to replace the ones we had together.

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35. Ciao, Bella

My girlfriend at the time didn't have a phone, so she would contact me using her friends' devices. One day, I was trying to get a hold of her, so I texted some of their numbers. After a few minutes, I received a shocking reply, and it hit me like a runaway train:  "You need to stop. She broke up with you and is seeing someone else. Leave her alone." This was far from true. We had not broken up...In fact, we had even scheduled her dream vacation to Italy for her birthday.

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36. A Rose By Any Other Name

I was in a new relationship and everything seemed to be going great. She invited me to meet her friends and I was chatting with everyone. One of the guys and I were getting along, and at some point, I introduced myself as so-and-so’s boyfriend. He excitedly said: “Oh, you must be Jake!” For the record, my name is Anthony.

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37. Suspicious Activity

My wife was an operations manager for a big box store and I had suspicions about her friendship with another employee. She was working late and they were texting. I checked her phone and the language was flirty but not incriminating. Her work friend was younger than her and he got accepted to a college in Syracuse.

I was relieved knowing that he would soon be gone and out of the picture, but boy was I wrong. When he moved, she became a recluse and started complaining about going to work. I thought it was just the job making her sad, but really, it was the fact that her coworker was now living in Syracuse. A few months went by and she planned a trip.

She said she needed to recharge. I was excited and naive thinking she would come back as the woman I fell in love with. A day or two into her trip, I got a call from the bank asking to confirm suspicious charges. She had driven straight to Syracuse and the charges were for a hotel room.

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38. A Day Of Loss

My mom was in the hospital and I needed someone to talk to. I texted my girlfriend but only got a few one-word responses. About an hour later, she sent me a selfie of herself and asked what I thought about her new haircut. It wasn't like her to send these shallow responses, especially considering my mom’s health, so that made me suspicious.

The following weekend, I went to her house so that we could work on her yard together. I helped her plant a few things and fixed a few issues on the outside of her house. I spent most of the day doing yard work. The next day, we had planned to go bike riding a couple of towns over. I asked if she wanted to spend the night at my house.

She said she just wanted to sleep in her bed, so I went home. At 4:30 that morning, I got a call from the hospital and saw my mom for the last time. My girlfriend called me an hour later saying her car had been vandalized. She had been at her friend's house. Apparently, when she was leaving, her car was spray painted and the tires were slashed.

I was a little out of it, but I knew things didn't add up. I copied the picture she sent the week before to my computer and checked the metadata in the picture. Her phone tags her pictures with GPS coordinates. She was at Tom's house. She had been going there regularly over the past few weeks. Several of her selfies were taken in her car in his driveway.

I ended the relationship. She was dumbfounded. All she cared about was fixing her car and she didn't even offer support with my loss. I ended up giving a eulogy to a bunch of empty chairs. No one bothered to show up to my mom's funeral. She sent a text months after to meet so she could apologize but that was over four years ago now.

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39. A Souvenir For Life

I was in Denver for a month for work. We had a date night planned for when I got home, but she called me crying that night as I was on my way back. The entire conversation made my heart sink. She confessed that she'd been with someone else. As it turns out, that  "someone" was her ex-husband. But that's not all—I dodged a major bullet because a few months later, she called with positive STD results, which I avoided too.

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40. Missing Memory

My ex was involved in a motorcycle accident and he broke his back. I was handling all of his paperwork and insurance claims while he was a bit out of it. I needed some information from his phone and found out he was talking to another girl when I was gone for a week. He feigned confusion, but I think reality hit when I walked out the door.

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41. Reverse Psychology

She was texting someone a lot when she was at my place one day. She told me she had made a new friend at a party over the past weekend. It didn’t seem like a friendship, but I didn’t push the conversation. The next day, she told me we should break up, and even though I was surprised, I didn’t argue. Then, a week later she tried to get back together.

She sent me a text message saying she missed me, but I told her I'd only take her back if she could honestly confirm my suspicions. She admitted that his name was Andrew and that things ultimately didn't work out between them. Reading that gave me closure, and I was ready to get my sweet revenge on her. So I texted back,  "I guess we're both liars now" and blocked her phone number.

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42. The Proof Is In The Blog

I found out through her blog. I don’t know if she didn’t remember that I had signed up to support her or if she just didn’t care. The blog post gave extensive details about how she finally found “real love in the world.” She posted it while on a supposed business trip, which ended up actually being a week-long vacation with the other guy. I shipped her things to the hotel.

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43. Three Strikes

My first girlfriend cheated on me and accidentally mentioned his name during a conversation. I didn’t recognize it, so I asked who he was. After poking and prodding, she confessed her unfaithfulness but didn’t feel any guilt over her actions. She maintained this weird double standard where it was fine for her to do what she did, but I shouldn't try anything similar or it would be over.

My next relationship never felt right. We mutually agreed to split because we could tell it wasn't going very well. A couple of days later, she posted pictures from a date she was on with another guy who I actually recognized. She acted weird towards the end of our relationship, but I have no proof that she ever did anything with that guy.

My third girlfriend is a plot twist because she was cheating on me, but with people who I absolutely did NOT expect. She confessed that she had been with multiple girls. I found out because she was low key bragging to her friends. She implied I was homophobic if I wasn't okay with her "fooling around" with her friends. It took me the better part of a year to see the flaws with that logic and had a friend help me end it.

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44. Fire And Ice

My first love was in my early twenties. We were volatile, constantly on and off, and it was very toxic and unhealthy. At one point, we lived together with my family, which gave them front-row seats to our disaster. I could blame it on young love but I think this was worse. We decided to take a break for a couple of days.

After being apart, she missed me and came to my school. We agreed to work on our relationship, but that night on the phone, I could tell she was dancing around something. I knew something was wrong and asked her directly what she was hiding. That's when she dropped the bomb on me—she was leaving me for someone else. I was devastated until she started cheating on him with me.

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45. A Stalker Confession

My wife told me a guy from her work was stalking her, so I told him I knew what he was doing and that he needed to stay away from her or else. But here's the crazy part—he had no idea my wife had accused him of stalking her. He assumed I was talking about the affair they were having. It freaked him out and he immediately went home to his wife and confessed.

My wife was just trying to get me to get rid of him for her and hadn’t told her jilted lover the alibi she was using. It had been happening for a while behind both of our marriages. After he confessed to his wife, she called me in tears and asked how I know about the situation. It was a confusing conversation until I realized the truth of the situation.

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46. Our Little Secret

I didn’t realize I was logged in to her Facebook. She had used my computer and we had a lot of mutual friends. At one point, I got a message from one of her friends asking how it went last night. When I opened the conversation, my jaw dropped. Her friend was excited to find out if she stayed behind and if he finally saw my exes’ underwear. It took a minute for everything to sink in.

I went for a run and waited for her to wake up. We broke up in an amicable conversation and I didn’t tell her what I had found out. As far as I know, she still has no idea what prompted me to end it. We had been together for three years and we were both miserable. I wasn’t angry; I was just surprised that it came down to a Facebook message for us to pull the plug.

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47. I’m Just A Fun Girl

We got engaged the summer after I graduated college. We had been dating for five years and I had to move home for work for six months. I noticed she started acting withdrawn. My attempts to talk to her on the phone while I was away were described as smothering. She wasn’t acting like herself so I began to investigate.

I started checking the phone bill for numbers she was texting and looking through her emails. I didn’t find anything and I thought I was paranoid, but then in January, I found an incredibly telling piece of evidence. It was an email that I found in her outbox with no trace of prior conversation. She wrote to another man that she’s in a relationship but she’s looking for someone to help her be a fun girl.

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48. You’ve Got Mail

I had this intuition four years ago to check my exes’ email. There was nothing strange about his behavior and we weren’t going through a rough patch; it was just a strong urge to log in. We had each other’s passwords and when I opened his inbox, there was an email from his ex. He had responded to it that morning telling her how much he missed what they had.

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49. By My Calculations

We were in college and she told me she was pregnant. We weren’t sure what to do besides schedule a doctor’s appointment. I was all-in for her, ready to step up to the plate for her and our child...until the doctor told us a key piece of information that turned everything upside-down: the estimated date of conception. I realized that I was out of town during those dates, so I questioned her about it. She confessed to sleeping with my roommate while I was out of town.

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50. Girl Code

I was dating this girl for almost a year and it was serious. I was friends with her mom and most of her friends but she was a very jealous and possessive person. One night, I was at her house and she got into the shower. I was on the floor playing with her iPad when I noticed a book under her bed. It looked like a sketchbook at first, so I grabbed it.

I opened it thinking I would see beautiful sketches, but it was her diary. The words on the pages gave me shivers. She wrote about how she had been cheating on me with multiple men. It was shocking because she was so jealous and possessive. I calmly closed it, put it back under the bed, and left. I called one of her friends with who I had become tight with and asked her to explain.

She agreed to meet me later, meanwhile, my girlfriend got out of the shower and asked why I left. I told her I read her diary and that it was over between us. She tried to be angry about me for reading the diary but she was more upset that she was caught. I met up with her friend for coffee and she told me everything. My girlfriend and three of her friends had made a pact.

They were all in on it together and they would travel, party, and create a lot of opportunities. They’d rent hotel rooms together, cover for each other, and made detailed notes so no one found out. Her friend wanted to come clean as she was over it. She didn’t feel good about lying or hurting people, and the guilt was unbearable.

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51. Alexa, Restart My Heart

We had been married for a few years and it was great, but once we had a baby, he panicked. All of a sudden he didn’t know what he wanted. Eventually, he asked me for space. We still spoke but he wasn’t involved with our baby or fixing our marriage. Ten months later, I added a new Amazon Echo to our family Prime account and I noticed a device I didn’t recognize.

I figured out that the device was set up at the place where he was currently living. Since it was linked to our account, I was able to go through voice requests and play them back. One recording sent chills up my spine. It was my husband saying, “Alexa, play beautiful love songs” while in the background I can hear intimate noises. Turns out, he was having an affair with a colleague.

They’d been having an affair since at least the birth of our daughter, but lots of clues say it started before. It was easier to end it considering how long he had already been gone. When I originally shared this on social media, it got picked up by a tabloid newspaper with the headline ‘Amazon Slimeball’ which is now what he is saved as in my contacts forever.

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Sources: Reddit,


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