December 16, 2021 | Eul Basa

These Teachers Got Sweet Revenge On Their Students

Teachers are supposed to diffuse tense situations with their students, but sometimes, those students need to be taught a lesson. Here are some of the ingenious ways that teachers got sweet revenge on their students:

1. You’ve Got Mail

I had a letter mailed to my office that was basically threatening me, saying I better stop handing out C’s and D’s or "word on the street" was going to come out that I was a bad teacher. It might not seem like the worst rumor, but if spread correctly, no one would take my class and I'd be out of a job. I had a pretty good idea of who it was.

For obvious reasons, I immediately ruled out all the students doing well in my classes but didn't think direct accusations would be effective anyway. I decided to get to the bottom of it, and my plan was rather genius—I took the letter to each of my three classes and turned it into a lesson on faulty rhetoric.

My expectations were exceeded when I began to read the letter out loud and without fail, each class erupted in laughter and exclaimed things like "What a butthead!" before I could even weigh in. The kid I suspected the most was sat slumped in his chair without much to say that day.

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1. Her Lock Ran out

I had a kid who threw a lock at my head. Somehow, she didn't get expelled because “It just slipped out of her hand.” She did get expelled a few months later when she brought a weapon to school.

That Kid In School FactsShutterstock

2. Tell Us Your Secret

A group of lousy, talkative students started doing well on the weekly tests during the seminar periods. They went from marginally passing to consistently getting 100s. I figured out that they had a friend who was in an earlier seminar feeding them the questions before they took the test themselves. So, I took it upon myself to teach them a lesson—I emailed them asking them to teach the whole class on their newfound study habits.

They all had to stand in front of the class and "teach" everyone how they study. The whole lesson was a load of garbage, and it was visible to everyone. For the next test, I rotated the questions for their seminar time to make sure it was different from the earlier class. The whole group got 0/10 across the board. I emailed them again and said, "Guess those study habits need some tweaking, huh?"

Teacher Excuses factsShutterstock

2. Down to the Slammer

I teach kindergarten, and I had a terrible, terrible child in my class last year. He liked to pull his desk away from the girl sitting across from him so her pencils and crayons would go falling on the floor. Finally, one day she got fed up and slammed her desk back into his. Unfortunately for him, his fingers happened to be there. Justice was served.

Weird House Rules FactsPxfuel


3. Ring, Ring...It’s For You

Once there was a guy sleeping in my calculus class. I walked over to my desk phone and said to everyone, "Did you guys hear that ring?" I picked up the phone, nodded my head, and hung up. Then, I set my brilliant plan into motion—I woke up the guy and told him he was needed in the main office, so he left. The entire class was confused. Ten minutes later, he returned and was like, “They didn't need me at the office.” I said, “I know, but I hope that walk woke you up.”

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3. Stuck With Double

There was a set of twins who were both pretty loud and out of control. During a group activity, one of them got the bright idea to stick his head into the hole of a plastic chair. He got stuck. He immediately began screaming, with his brother crying out, “My brother!” All the adults were trying not to laugh. We got him out OK.

Twins FactsShutterstock

4. Move Over Cheater

There was a kid in my class who was always cheating on my tests and quizzes. I caught him several times and contacted the parents, but nothing was ever really done about it. I don't think his mom ever really believed that he was cheating as much as he was, and there were plenty of times when I probably didn't catch him. He once missed the midterm test.

He came back to school on the day I gave the kids their scores back. The papers also had the answers, but not the questions. I saw him sneakily talking to his friends, and they gave him the papers that had the answers on them. I didn't say anything, because the next time I gave out a test, I knew I'd nail that sucker big time.

I gave him a makeup exam that had the same questions with all of the answer choices moved over by one letter. Little bugger got a 3% on a multiple-choice midterm.

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4. Keep Your Mouth Shut

When I was in kindergarten, a kid looked me straight in the eyes, bit himself on the wrist, and ran to the teacher to blame me. They sent me to the principal’s office, my mom was called down, and I got yelled at. A week later, the kid did it again...and the teacher saw him do it. It felt so good to have the principal apologizing profusely to me.

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5. The Importance Of Taking Notes

I had two students request a meeting with the dean of students to discuss my unfair grading. I picked up a habit early on that ended up saving me in that situation—I had started to take copious notes and have a file on every student. I showed up with a stack of evidence. Every substantive in-person interaction was documented on the front of the file, and I included copies of every email and note on the inside. There's nothing more embarrassing than coming face to face with your laziness and being unable to wriggle free.

They started paying attention after that.

Reality hit rich kids factsShutterstock

5. Not My President

I had a mean girl in the class I taught. I'm gay, and she made it very clear that she didn't support my husband. Mean Girl then ran for senior class president. During this time, she had a thing about me handing her things; she never wanted to touch my hand even by accident. Well, this made her homophobic ways very obvious, and she lost the election.

Out of Touch Rich People FactsShutterstock


6. Hey, That Belongs To Me!

I had two blatant plagiarists stand up and read both of their papers at the same time. Halfway through, without even looking at them, I turned to the wall and recited the last concluding statements out loud. That's when it became satisfyingly clear—they had used my own body of work and changed it just enough to make it past the checker.

I then told them that they would have to read each paper they write out loud after each submission and that I would personally grade their papers. They also had to sit at the front and I would call on them with every open-ended question first.

Cringe-Worthy Presentations factsShutterstock

6. On the Way out

This girl cussed me out and then stormed out of class. The door bounced off the wall and hit her on the way out. It took all my effort not to laugh at her in front of the class.

Teachers Karmic Justice FactsShutterstock

7. Summer Of Salvation

I taught at a private school for five years while going to school at night to switch professions. This school prided itself on its fancy college placements and average student GPA and SAT scores. However, because almost every student paid the school's high tuition, the school never expelled anyone. Instead, it mandated summer school or holding a failing student back a grade.

There were some kids whose parents funded scholarships at the school, so the little monsters thought they were untouchable. One such student was named Max. He was a standard brat. He was a smug, insubordinate, and conniving 10th grader who was the bane of my existence for the entire year. Sending him to the principal never worked because the principal was in Max’s parents' pocket.

Appealing directly to the boy’s parents didn't work either because of the quintessential, "What?! Our son is an angel and has top grades in all his other classes" reaction. Of course, a student is magically going to get top grades when the other teachers are scared of their parents. About two to three months before the end of the school year, I overheard Max smugly describing his summer plans.

He was telling this kid that was going to be spending the entire summer at an exclusive summer camp in the Swiss Alps. Thus, my plan began to unfold. I taught Max's class in two different subjects, so my grades counted for about 25-30% of each student's overall GPA. Max never studied for my exams or participated in class, so he received failing grades.

I stopped telling him what his weekly grades were. Then, about two weeks before the end of the year, I handed each student a one-page summary that contained their "projected end-of-year grade." Max's projected grades were 36 and 31, which meant he would be failing two core classes, and they effectively brought his GPA below the average allowed by the school.

This in turn meant the Swiss Alps would be Max-less because he would be spending his summer vacation in the school's mandatory remedial program. To ensure no one tried to pressure me into changing his grades, I sent copies of all my projected grade summaries to all the teachers in my department, as well as to the school's assistant principal, principal, dean, and Board of Governors.

Max was terrified and decided to try and pressure me into saving his summer. At the following morning's assembly, he approached me in front of about 100 students and teachers and, in his smug way smiling out at everyone, announced loudly, "Mr. Realist, you're going to give me an extra credit project to raise my grades so I can pass, just like all the other teachers, right?"

The room went silent. He wanted to give everyone a scene to remember, so I was going to do just that. Watchmen is one of my favorite graphic novels of all time, and this was in early 2009 when the movie adaptation was released. I stood up, got right up in Max's face, and responded with a modified version of Rorschach's famous quote.

"Max, you are afraid of me.  I have seen your true face. Your life is but an extended gutter and the gutter is full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. Your accumulated filth has foamed up about your waist and your politicians look up and shout ‘SAVE US!’ I look down at him and whisper 'No.'" Then I walked out of the assembly hall, and Max spent the summer in remedial school while I went to Vegas.

Haunting Embarrassing Moments factsShutterstock

7. Facing a Painful Reality

There was this kid in high school who was such a jerk. He got into multiple fights, and somehow that got him thinking he was a good fighter. On one occasion, he got into a fight in the parking lot, and someone actually put his head through a car window, like, fully broke the glass with his face. He didn't learn his lesson, but man was it rewarding for the rest of us.

Unfair Things FactsShutterstock

8. Field Trip Fallout

I had my senior level Abnormal Psych class visit a local homeless shelter. A few people in the class felt it was dumb or a waste of time, so they bailed just as the tour was starting. That ticked me off, so I made sure my next move would teach them a lesson—I made the final exam for that class four questions that were VERY easy to answer; that is if you had stayed for the whole tour.

It was absolutely impossible if you did not.


8. Can’t Have One Without the Other

My brother has a friend who is tremendously smart and never really needed to try hard in school. His final semester, all he needed was a final English course to get his degree. I remember him actually saying to me, “Why try hard to get a 90% when I can slack off all semester and get a 50%?” The school ended up expelling him before the end of the semester.

Rich Kid Syndrome FactsShutterstock


9. You Must Be Hearing Things

I have taught more than a thousand kids. I had a kid in my class who complained about everything—he did no work whatsoever, talked smack about everyone, made fun of kids with disabilities, etc. He was always the first to start shrieking that he was the victim in every situation, that everyone was against him, and that he always got picked on and so forth.

He had a constant tendency to immediately trash talk anything that anyone else had put effort into, including my lessons. One day, one of my students, an incredibly sweet and sensitive girl, was sharing something in class for the first time. She was visibly nervous and had a shaky voice.

Of course, this kid began making fun of her hair, her glasses, and her face. He was loud enough that we could all hear what he was saying. I started walking toward his desk but was interrupted when the girl very, very calmly cursed at him. The entire class was dead silent. This girl never spoke, let alone swore, and she said it with such self-control. Everyone's eyes were on me, waiting for me to react.

The troublemaker started screaming, saying, “Did you hear that? You always get me in trouble when I say that. This isn’t fair,” and so forth. I said, "Huh? I didn't hear anything," and turned back around, continuing the lesson. A few kids cheered. It felt really good.

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9. Not Going Very Far

When I was teaching ESL, I once had a kid who thought he was all that. Sporty, relatively bright, and quite popular with his boy classmates, but went out of his way to annoy the girls. He was constantly taking pencils, copying work, messing up their hair, etc. He clearly just didn't know how to interact with females.

One day, he broke his leg and had to be on crutches for a while. As soon as I announced it was break time, the girl next to him took both crutches and ran away with them. Snacks got dealt out one-by-one, so kids weren't allowed to fetch for their friends. His friends all abandoned him for choco-pies, and he was left sitting, immobile and alone.

Worst Teachers FactsShutterstock

10. Cut Those Copycats Loose

I had these two girls in my economics class who were cheating all the time. They turned in this paper on the Federal Reserve that didn't get picked up with the plagiarism checker, but they each turned in the exact same paper as the other. They weren't going to get away with it. In front of the whole class, I told them they did a great job on the paper and that they each got a 50%.

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10. Liar, Liar, Recommendation’s on Fire

There was a compulsive liar of a kid who told me all sorts of doozies for four years. His senior year, he asked me to write a letter of recommendation. I did—because I had an ingenious plan. I included every lie I could remember him telling me as though it was the truth and I was pumping him up. Oh man, it was so good.

He couldn't even show it to his family because I wrote about how he volunteers at homeless shelters every night, raises hundreds of rescue dogs to become service dogs, how he donates blood every week, etc. Any one of the statements was obviously impossible to be true. I hope he didn't try to use it, but I never got a call from anyone to verify my recommendation.

Haunting Embarrassing Moments factsShutterstock

11. Pain In My Pre-Med

I was a professor at a state university where I taught pre-health and pre-med students. I have many stories, both good and bad, but I've never felt the need to retaliate against a student until one student entered my world. This student wanted to go to medical school, though they were of very middling intellect and came off as socially inept; not to mention personally odious.

She figured the best way to get ahead was to complain about everything. In academia, if you complain enough about a class, we give you a higher grade and send you up to the next poor instructor for you to torment. So, this student went all out to find everything and anything to complain about: the exam had too many questions, lecture notes were not in the format she liked, I didn’t return her emails on the same day, and the list went on.

By the end, she had escalated these issues to the top, and I got called into the Dean's office. My administrators above me have worked with me for years. They knew this student’s history of filing complaints about everything and everyone. They told me to go easy on her just so I could be done with her. I gave her a higher grade than she deserved (which seemed to be the point of all of this), then washed my hands of her...or so I thought.

A year later, I was assigned to be the committee head of the faculty that creates group letters of recommendation for medical school applications. This student submitted the form for our committee to create her recommendation packet. Students can, and SHOULD, waive the right to read these evaluations. If you are afraid of what a professor will say about you, don't ask them for a letter.

The student made sure to point out to the committee in a formal letter that because of the problems she had with ALL of the professors that would be writing letters, she wanted to make sure their letters were appropriate and of the correct tone before we sent them off. Therefore, she would be reviewing them before approving them for inclusion in her packet.

Nobody wanted to write a true letter for fear of getting sued. She would be seeing all of the letters, as would her counsel before we sent them. So our hands were tied. But one brave soul decided to rebel—he went around and solicited her letter-writers into creating sublime choruses of praise. These would be letters you would expect to read to the Nobel Committee about Hawking, Einstein, Newton, and Feynman.

Nobody would believe that a student with this background or MCAT score could get even one of these eulogy masterpieces, let alone such letters from a whole panel. I included a note from the committee stating that the student had previously filed academic complaints against every professor that wrote her a letter, therefore these letters may not reflect her true academic potential.

The student didn't have the right to see THAT part unless they requested it later after the letters had been sent out. She sent out applications to every medical school that existed. Within her application packet came those beautiful letters, and those three explosive paragraphs explaining that this student filled academic complaints against every letter writer, and did not waive the right to keep their letters secret.

It doesn't take a genius on the admissions committee of each of these schools to read between the lines and drop that application in the trash before granting an interview. She did not get one interview. With more than 30 applications, not one school invited her to continue her application process. That gets a professorial cheer!

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11. First-Grade Justice

Last year, I had a 7-year-old in my class who was just a pain. He would throw things around the classroom, pinch other children, poke them with pencils, and he was rude to everyone but would always blame it on someone else. Talking to his parents wouldn't help because they believed everything their little "angel" said.

One break time, he was harassing another child, and I guess they just had enough. This usually mild-mannered child punched him in the stomach. It was so hard, the horrible child even wet himself. Then, all of the other children who witnessed it completely closed ranks and denied that it ever happened. We couldn't follow it up.

Innocent Questions Crushed factsPixabay


12.  Sounds Too Good To Be True

A girl who had been obnoxious all semester gave a presentation that was suspiciously articulate despite her usual behavior. I stopped her in the middle of it and I dropped the hammer: "Now you're going to continue reading that essay, but I know you didn't write it, because it was written by my friend. I expect you to make a new presentation for next week, but read us the rest of the essay please." She was stunned.

Cringe-Worthy Presentations factsShutterstock

12. We Need to Talk About Kevin

I taught a dissection lab section back in college. I had one kid in a section, Kevin, who never listened to instructions and just dove in with a scalpel, dicing and chopping and generally causing a horrific scene. This led to his first karmic warning when we were dissecting squid. He got squid "juice" on himself, and it smelled awful for the rest of that class. But he didn't learn.

He kept on ignoring instructions and hacking away, so this time karmic justice struck on our very last dissection project: The fetal pig. Kevin really wanted to see the pig's brain. Kevin couldn't get through the skull, though, so he started whacking away at it. I told him to stop, but he had to give it one last, mighty thwack. Crack!

The skull breaks and rubbery piglet brain bits come flying out everywhere, mostly over Kevin. Unfortunately, while he was protesting my clear instructions, Kevin had his mouth open. Thankfully, preserved pig brain, ingested orally, seemed to have a calming, subduing effect on Kevin for the last couple classes.

Rule Made Because of You FactsDyess Air Force Base

13. The Strong Arm Of The School

There was this one little jerk who was always bothering another kid about his weight. I would always tell him to stop and he would for a bit, but the next day he would carry on. One day, I finally had enough and told him that he needed to go to the principal's office. He responded with something along the lines of: "I don't need to listen to you, I’m strong."

I knew that I needed to do something. So I told him that since he is so "strong," he would have to stand in the middle of the room with his arms stretched out. Let me just say that it is more difficult than it sounds. He took it as a challenge—he walked his smug face to the middle of the library and started holding his arms out.

It took him less than a minute for him to start lowering them, and I would turn to him and say, "Yeah, you must be really strong" sarcastically and he would lift them back up. About five minutes passed and my mom, who also worked at the school, walked into the library to see what was up. We chatted for a second, and then she noticed the kid standing in the middle of the room. She asked what he was doing.

The kid's face went red immediately. I told my mom that he was bothering other students and was disrespectful. Turns out, that my mom was this kid's favorite teacher and he had no idea that I was her daughter. He ran and started crying into my mom's skirt and apologized, but my mom still took him to the principal. The rest of the year he was a little angel.

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13. Real-World Consequences

I teach college students to be teachers. My first year doing this, I had a student who was always late, turned in the bare minimum, and always had excuses. I told him he had to improve or he’d eventually get fired on the job. He kept coasting. His first teaching job? He got fired. I laughed, in the privacy of my office, and I'm not sorry.

People fired factsShutterstock

14. Real Life Lord Of The Flies

I used to teach high school English and theatre. My students weren't terrible, they were just teenagers. I ended up getting a reputation of being able to work well with "problem students," so I ended up getting a lot of problem students shoveled into my class. I rolled with it as best I could, not realizing this was the result of my being a newer teacher and at the bottom of the totem pole.

I was teaching Lord of the Flies and allowed the students to vote for one of their classmates to be in charge of the class. One of my classes voted for one of my "problem students." I let the class crash and burn for a week. It was part of the lesson, and I was surprised at the results—I still remember the individual student who was voted leader saying he couldn't take it anymore. He never realized how much of a pain he and other students were being. He ended up being one of my top students for the rest of the semester.

Memorable Teachers FactsShutterstock

14. What’d I Miss?

I used to always show up late for my 10th-grade science class. One day, we had a little chapter review quiz at the start of class, and naturally, I was a minute or two late. So, I walked over to my desk and the teacher put my quiz down. I looked at it, and my blood ran cold. It was all super complicated questions I was sure we'd never covered.

After about two minutes, I looked up to see how everyone else was doing on their quiz. Well, everybody was watching me. When I looked up, they all started laughing. The teacher had printed up a single fake quiz with super complicated biology questions just to mess with whatever kid ended up showing up last to the quiz.

Insensitive Questions factsShutterstock

15. Doing The Kimchi Shuffle

I taught English at a ritzy private school. We weren't allowed to discipline the kids for any reason, no matter what, because the school was making money from the tuition. For the most part, the kids were pretty good, but there was this one kid who was always disruptive, bullied the other kids, threw pencils, wrote swear words on the whiteboard before class, never listened, etc.

Eventually, I had enough of him—I started eating a lot of kimchi on the days I taught that specific class, which gave me wicked indigestion. When I walked by the kid I would let out horrible, silent, creeping, hot gas. No one ever blames the teacher and after a couple of weeks, he became known as the stinky kid. It made me feel better knowing that he was knocked down a few pegs.

Teacher Never Forget factsShutterstock

15. Double and Triple Checked

When I was a TA for a freshmen English class, I busted a kid for plagiarism. He was furious and refused to drop the course. He was a slimy, smarmy kid who thought I was dumb, but joke's on him—he ended up failing the course THREE ways: plagiarizing, exceeding absences, and not completing the final. You can argue about one way to get an F. You can't argue about 3.

Reality hit rich kids factsShutterstock

16. Class Participation Matters

I had a terrible student who was obnoxious and disruptive. He had no respect for anyone, including his classmates. What I did next was exactly what he deserved—I gave him a class participation grade that was just low enough to have him fail the class. He tried to appeal it twice but to no avail. He changed majors and the professors in his new major hated him too.

Revenge Stories factsShutterstock

16. The Whole Nine Julliard’s

I was teaching music and had a flutist who was fantastic. He practiced for hours every day, but unfortunately, he also had an ego the size of Texas. He told the girl next to him, who also wanted to be a professional flutist, that she was abysmal and should just give up. He refused to audition for our "pitiful" local honor band even though it was part of his grade.

He would also complain about my conducting in class when I didn't pay enough attention to him.  Then he refused to show up to a concert because he was embarrassed to be seen performing with his high school band. This was the last straw—and the consequences were devastating. He failed band and I kicked that toxic little jerk out.

Worst Teachers FactsShutterstock

17. Just When He Thought He Was In The Clear...

I had a twelfth grader take a bottle of water that wasn’t his, then deny it, demonstrably lying. He got super snotty and insulting when I called him out on it. I just sent him off to the office for the period, and he probably thought that was the end of the matter. Little did he know that it was far from over. A couple of months later, the school was going on a senior trip camping in the desert.

He was devastated to learn he wasn't allowed to go. He would have to sit in an empty classroom and watch PBS videos while we were hiking, sitting around campfires, sleeping in tents, and making bacon and pancakes for breakfast. I wasn’t about to chaperone him and deal with whatever nonsense he was going to put forth.

Friends For Never factsShutterstock

17. Ran to the Ground

There was a “problem child” in my class who thought it was cool to not listen to teacher advice, shrug off reprimands, and make snarky comments. He was hard to manage, but by no means a bad kid. We have a rule at our school that there's “no running on the deck” outside of our classroom. This rule is often ignored when no teacher is looking.

One day, the entire class and I were standing out on the deck when this particular student was coming back from getting something. He decided to blatantly ignore the “no running on the deck” rule and began to sprint toward the class. Right as I yelled his name, he tripped and went FLYING. It was an epic wipeout.

The fall sent him sprawling across the deck, with the entire class watching. I checked if he was okay, and didn't say anything about it at the time, but I was able to remind him later that we do have rules for a reason.

Ching Shih FactsShutterstock

18. Not A Righteous Rant

I had a student in my college composition class who was constantly making obnoxious, offensive comments. He thought he was the edgy class clown but mostly he was just annoying. He kept getting away with his appalling behavior until one day, he slipped up big time—he wrote an essay that was just an incoherent rant about how much he hates a certain ethnic group.

I reported him to the dean of students for hate speech. Other than the occasional comment about how he was being silenced for "standing up for America," he finally stopped making obnoxious comments in class after that.

Teacher Confiscated FactsShutterstock

18. In the Bag

This awful kid grabbed a girl’s purse and started rifling through it one day. He then started yelling that she had a knife in her bag to try and get her in trouble. The teacher had the perfect reply. She just quipped, "And you taking her bag is why she has a knife in the first place" before giving the kid detention.

Class Clown Stories factsShutterstock

19.  Going Once, Going Twice...Sold!

I had a very strict policy about passing notes in class. I had suspected a bunch of students had been passing notes to each other, but I could never catch them. That is until one day after all the students had gone home, I found a large stack of old notebook paper on the floor. It was a note more than10 pages long that had been stapled and taped together.

The girls in question had been passing this same note around and adding to it, presumably since the beginning of the school year. I would hand out a lot of extra credit from bonus questions on homework to extra credit assignments, and I kept track of how much each student had accumulated. At the end of each semester, I would have an auction.

The students could spend the extra credit they had accumulated on prizes, usually toys, and candy. I saw the perfect opportunity to serve them their karma—I saved the giant note that the girls had written until the end of the semester and then auctioned it off to a group of boys in the class. None of the girls in question passed notes after that.

Teen Phase FactsShutterstock

19. Lack of Honors

There was a clique of “popular” kids who were often jerks and acted out in our school. Our city had a living center for the mentally ill that also had a public swimming pool, so we used it for swimming lessons. Well, one day there's a 14-year-old on the extreme end of the spectrum at the pool who had very limited functioning.

This popular “funny” student decides that it'll be hilarious to sit there and growl at the boy aggressively like a hostile dog. The kid loses it and he freaks right out. His support worker figures out what happened, and the “funny” guy is banned from the center. He also automatically fails not only the module, but the entire gym course. He does not graduate on time.

Small Town Scandals FactsWikimedia Commons

20. Dishonourable Honour Students

I taught an AP Chemistry class. Our school’s rules allowed for unlimited skips in classes of honors-level or above. I had three students that would only show up for the exams and all three would pass with identical grades, despite never sitting within eyesight of each other. I spent the entire year trying to figure out how they could have possibly cheated. In the AP class, your grade was based solely on the final exam at the end of the year.

All other classwork, homework, and exams were to help you learn, and were the deciding factor for being allowed to take the AP Exam. I decided to throw them a curve ball—instead of a written exam we'd have a lab exam for a final, and it would include a chemical that stained your skin blue if you touched it. Since these three students never showed up for class, they never knew anything about lab procedures, and they ended up failing the class and having blue skin for the rest of the school year.

Oversharers factsShutterstock

20. What a Scathead

Park ranger here. We do this “urban education initiative” with inner city kids out to a wetland. There was this one kid, Pablo, who was this third-grade classroom's "funny guy." For example, during a live animal demonstration, he asks about its nipples and then repeats the word nipple louder so everyone could laugh.

While we're walking, we talk about animal poop the whole time and of course, I was professional and answered the questions because I begrudgingly know a lot about scat. Pablo would barge into every learning opportunity for the other kids and take everybody out of the moment. It was actually really awful.

Every time I got the kids excited about nature, he would do some lame peer pressure so the vibe was, “No, nature sucks.” I wanted to push him into some briars pretty badly. Well, justice came swiftly when I was explaining poison ivy to half the group. He swaggers over and does some kind of, “These leaves? MINE!” prank.

I wanted to tell him it was poison ivy but instead, I told him to put it down. The other kids were like, “Drop it!” Only the reverse psychology made him caress the leaves even more, so I finally had to tell him what they were before he touched his face. Pablo then cried. His cool guy persona was shattered, and everybody listened to me for the rest of the field trip.

School Trips FactsPixabay

21. Don’t Try To Outsmart The Teacher

I was teaching film and I had this one student who slacked and was not that great in class. She always complained when I showed a black and white, classic, or subtitled film. She was also great at making others feel bad. For graded coursework, my students had to do a paper on their favorite director. She picked Tim Burton.

They were given strict instructions to use books from the recommended reading list and Wikipedia was not allowed. Within the four weeks of the assignment due date, I would see my students in the library, devouring the required books. All except for her. The due date came, but they had a few days to make corrections before it went to the external examiner.

Hers was the last to be handed in. Immediately I could tell it was from Wikipedia. As I glanced through it, it was all just a collection of titbit trivia from Tim Burton’s page, albeit just re-written slightly differently. She told me she read Burton on Burton and a few other film books, but forgot to put in the quotes.

I told her Wikipedia was forbidden as a source and marks would be deducted. She told me she hadn't used Wikipedia, and called me a liar for having said I did. Clearly, she had no idea who she was talking to. I told her she had two days to hand in the proper paper. So that night I re-edited Tim Burton's Wikipedia page, and I waited. Two days later she re-submitted her paper.

I read it and told her she had once again used Wikipedia. She denied it. I asked her if she could show me her research or evidence to back her writing that Tim Burton said his inspiration for making Mars Attacks was because he was abducted by aliens, or that Edward Scissorhands was based on a true story about a boy called Thomas Cleaverfingers.

She said it was in Burton on Burton. I asked which page, as she didn't follow the bibliography rules. She told me it was on page 45. I took the book off the shelf behind me and began to flick through it, slowly. “You've got the wrong edition,” she said, “It's in the new edition.” I just put the book back on the shelf and then told her how I re-edited the Wikipedia page with stupid quotes and made-up trivia. I had to submit her paper to the external examiner who would support my giving her an F.

Cheaters ExposedShutterstock

21. Zero Tolerance

It was the very end of the year and I had a student who was failing my class but didn't even bother to try to get help until the last day. Oh, and she failed because she never showed up for class, ever. Like, I didn't recognize her. She came to me and told me, “You're the only class I'm failing and if I don't get a D, I won't graduate.”

I went to check the school grade book to see if this was true and I said, “Hmm, according to this, you have a 13% in Math and an incomplete in Chemistry.” She denied it vehemently, saying that she'd already talked to those teachers and I was the last holdout. Well, I knew just how to get her. I asked, “Why don't we give your math teacher a call ?”

I dialed the extension for her math teacher. I tell him the story and that I've found her 13% in Math in the gradebook. The teacher's response astonished me. He goes, “Actually, the grade in the book is incorrect. I just discovered the one piece of homework she did turn in was actually a photo copy of another student's work. She now has a zero.” She did not graduate.

Roald Amundsen Facts Flickr,amboo who?

22. ‘C’ You Later

I had a kid in my high school science class who used to say out loud that he believed that you could pass any multiple-choice test by always answering 'C.’ So, on one test day, I walked up to him, handed him a multiple-choice test, and said, "I made this version of the test JUST FOR YOU!" The kid turned pale—he furiously filled the test out with everything EXCEPT a ‘C.’ On his version of the test, ‘C’ was the correct answer every single time.

Brandon Lee FactsShutterstock

22. Painfully Enraging

A preschooler used to crawl under the lunch tables and jump off the furniture. One day in the lunch room, he got very angry for some unidentifiable reason. He stood rooted in one spot and screamed that he was NEVER MOVING. During this, he wanted to make a point so he stomped as viciously as he could.

He was wearing really flat-footed sandals on a hard floor, and must have hit the ground with a perfectly level foot. Meaning, it hurt like absolute heck. His face was like a cartoon. His mouth made an immediate upside U and he screamed like that guy on SpongeBob who yells, “My leg!!” It just felt like justice to me.

Worst Teachers FactsShutterstock

23. I Reached My Limit

I had a kid one year who was just evil, so much so that within one day of meeting him, I was shocked by his sinister nature. I've had kids who were psychopathic before, but this kid was straight-up worse. He manipulated people to do his bidding, bullied, harassed, and teased other children and teachers, didn't do his work, and took classroom materials.

At first, I was kind to the kid and did all the right things. I authentically praised his work and actions whenever I could and I never let him feel like I was out to get him. I always clearly stated the reasons why he was in trouble, involved his parents, and so forth. I was fair and kind...It didn’t work. One day, after he punched a kid repeatedly, then tried to get out of it and run away, I lost it on him.

I just shouted at him right to his face in the hallway. I don't even remember what I said. It was so bad, I went back to my desk and took some deep breaths. I had never shouted like that at a kid before and was mortified that I let him see that weakness in me. When I looked over at him, he was writing an apology note to the child he had punched. After that, he still displayed some mean-spirited tendencies, mostly on the playground, but he could at least control himself in my classroom.

Not The Brightest Kids FactsShutterstock

23. Chihuahua VS. English Mastiff

I teach middle school. We had one eighth grader who was the oldest, meanest kid in class. Put a girl up against the wall with his forearm across her throat so that her feet came off the ground. No other kids even stepped in because they didn't want to get beat on too. He was suspended regularly and didn't seem to care.

Then we got a transfer kid. This huge, and I mean huge,  kid transfers in. He's a tough kid, but quiet about it. Doesn't do much academically, but he's super respectful and is just kind of quiet. I've seen a lot of bar fights and this kid carried himself like that dude who knew he could take someone apart but had nothing to prove.

Well, jerk kid walks up to big kid in the hall one day and challenges him to a fight by screaming, "YOU WANNA GO?" up at him with his arms spread wide and his face forward. Big kid quietly says, “Yep,” drops his binder, and then drops jerk kid with the most beautiful jab I've ever seen outside of a boxing match.

Jerk goes down like a ton of bricks and big kid calmly picks up his stuff and heads to the office. Jerk gets expelled, the administration was looking for a reason, and big kid gets a suspension but is suddenly the most loved person in the building. The Vice Principal was actually giggling as he helped jerk kid stagger to the office.

Messed With the Wrong Person factsShutterstock

24. Game On

One time, I had a student who was really concerned about his grades. He suckered me into helping him right before progress reports were to be released, so he could play in the big game coming up. It's something all teachers will fall for because we want all students to achieve, so I helped him. I kept him updated on his grades.

Up until the day of his big game, he was barely passing at a D-. On the day of the game, he came into class and did absolutely nothing. He just shut down and was obnoxious because it was so close to progress reports. He figured the material from that day wouldn't be submitted for the progress report because it was so close...but he was wrong.

He thought he was good to play the next football game. So, I decided to put in the extra effort and grade the work for that day and see what would happen to the overall class average if I recorded the grades and submitted them. He ended up with a 59.4%, a failing grade. So I hit ‘Submit Grades.’ There went his game.

Tom Brady factsShutterstock

24. Toxic Behavior

I'm a chemistry teacher. This sophomore wouldn't put his cell phone away the entire time he was working on his lab. Surprise surprise, he dropped his phone and it slid under the door into the chemical storage area. I told him I didn't have a key and would have to ask the custodian, after school, to unlock it.

Wholesome Secrets Facts Needpix

25. Sorry, I Can’t Accommodate You

During midterm exams, I explained the rules to the class. Three times I was asked and turned down requests for calculators. Everyone was done except for my ADHD student. He was allowed double time to complete the exam. Then he pulled out a calculator. I watched and watched in disbelief as he solved problem after problem.

I pulled up his medical necessities form and waited. Once he was done, I took his test and he stood there waiting. I asked what he was waiting for, and he asked that I look it over. I then told him the brutal truth—he failed. He started crying and asked why. I explained that cheating was the worst offense he could do and that because he used a calculator, despite me saying none were allowed, he had cheated.

I threatened to report him. His first words were, "But, my accommodation!" I then pulled out and showed him where it said, "calculators must be allowed except where calculations and formulas are the tested content.” He bawled like a baby and never mentioned his accommodation again. I have ADHD myself. It never got me free A's. I had to work twice as hard to get them in the regular time allotted.

Parent-Teacher Conference FactsShutterstock

25. Retribution Education

I had a math class in senior year that was held in a science lab with showers, an eye wash station, etc. It was a class that had kids from grades 10-12 in it. One of the seniors was a big dude on the football team who really enjoyed messing with the smaller kids. He was the worst of what high school sports churn out, you know the type.

He liked to get this one dude riled up every day by pretending to pull the emergency shower every time he walked by. He giggled like a smug doofus every time. One day, I had enough and just went, “Hey, Nelson" while he was under the shower. I waited for him to look me in the eyes, then I pulled it. "THIS is how it works!" Didn't even get in much trouble. Still love that moment.

Always Gotten Wrong factsPixabay

26. What Is That Under My Desk?

I taught visual arts at a middle school for several years. To survive teaching this age group, an experienced teacher understands that most boys are sneaky as heck. They really can't help it, as its age-appropriate behavior, slow frontal lobe development, etc. One special little ray of sunshine kept reaching under the table unscrewing the bolts attaching the table legs.

Any bump from an unsuspecting kid would send the table crashing. So, one morning before class, I gave him a taste of his own medicine. I globbed an entire jar of petroleum jelly all over the leg bolts under the table. Watching this kid's face slack into horror after reaching under the table to grab the bolts was so satisfying. He couldn't wipe it away, hide it, or deny it.

Stupid Rules Backfired factsShutterstock

26. Guess Who’s the New Sheriff in Town?

My high school buddy Steve was a troublemaker. We had a really lax teacher in sophomore English, who was a long-term substitute and not in full control of the class. Meanwhile, we also had a student-teacher named Mrs. Gomez who was good and kind, but obviously didn't have full disciplinary power either in the situation.

This leaves room for people to get rowdy, ESPECIALLY Steve. One day after a particularly loud interlude, Mrs. Gomez gets a belly full and tells Steve to be quiet.  Steve looks her in the eye and says, “You're not the teacher. I don't have to do ANYTHING you say.” He then goes right back to whatever he was doing. Mrs. Gomez was LIVID.

Her face was bright red and she looked like she wanted to throttle Steve, but he was right and she knew it, so she kept her mouth shut. But she got the best payback. A month later, we walk into class and the old substitute is nowhere to be seen, but there's Mrs. Gomez sitting comfortably at the teacher's desk like she owns it.

The bell rings, and she stands up and says, “Hello, everyone." She then turns and looks directly at Steve, “I'm your new teacher.” Steve didn't get away with much in class after that.

Unfair Things FactsShutterstock

27. Booted Out

One of my first teaching jobs was at a particularly rough high school in the city. There was one student who was known to all of the teaching staff as a real piece of work. He was rude to everyone, inattentive, and always tried to pick fights with students, both verbal and physical. Those were all bad, but at one point, he went too far—he tried to light a fire in my home economics class by stuffing a bunch of dishrags into an oven.

I ended up keeping him after class, sat him down, and gave it an honest try talking to him. I tried to figure out why he was acting the way that he was. The kid just sat there and either wouldn’t pay attention to anything I was saying or would just lip off in response. Eventually, he said something along the lines of, "I don't have to sit here and listen to this garbage," and stood up to walk away.

That would've been the end of it, but fate wouldn't have it that way. He dropped his pencil and as he bent to pick it up, I stood up and gave him a boot in the behind that would put the Spartan kick from the movie 300 to shame, sending this little piece of work sprawling out onto the floor. He gathered himself up and began ranting and raving.

He said that he was going to tell the principal and that I would get fired. I decided to call his bluff, and in a voice that would turn blood into ice, looked him square in the eye and said, "Go ahead. Who's going to believe you?" It freaked him out real bad, and he took off running. Needless to say, nobody ever did believe him.

Teachers HearbreakingPexels

27. Like Any Other Coffee Break

When I was in high school, our music teacher was this awesome older dude who was close to retiring. He would openly tell everyone that he was in it for the pension, but was an awesome teacher and could teach any class from music to hospitality to welding to woodshop. One thing he refused to do, though, was putting up with teenager shenanigans.

Luckily he took a liking to me, but he used to do things like throw chalk at kids and other harmless stuff that got the point across. But then there was a rule change, and teachers weren't allowed to lay a hand on any kid in school at any point. I watched kids beat each other, and teachers just having to watch because they’d lose their jobs if they interfered.

One day, this little jerk who was always causing trouble decided that he was going to start a fight in front of the music room. The awesome music teacher comes in, sees this, and tells him to stop a few times. The guy didn't. So he went back into his office, grabbed his large coffee, and dumped it all over the kid.

Stopped Caring FactsFlickr

28. Easy Breezy

When I was a very new professor, I made sure to spell out the course requirements both verbally during class time, and on paper in the syllabus. For students who were taking the class pass/no pass, they had to take a midterm and final exam, as well as write a paper. It was made very clear that their passing grade in all of them had to be a C or better.

I had a smart-alec in class that came to me during my office hours and told me that he was not going to do the paper. His voice took a breezy, commanding, almost condescending tone, but he who he was messing with. I said, “Okay,” just as breezily. He got a C on the midterm, a C on the final, and an F on the non-existent paper. He didn’t pass the course that he thought would be a free ride.

I Messed Up factsShutterstock

28. Today’s Lesson: Word Usage

When I was working as an aide for special needs kids in their fourth-grade class, there was this one boy who was a bit of a loudmouth and called everything he didn't like or understand  “gay.” Then one day, he switched it up and informed me that something was “retarded.” I wasn't going to give him the response he was looking for, but then he made it easy.

Before I had time to reply, he said, “…and I'm allowed to say that, since I'm in special needs." "Great!" I replied. "What's your excuse for calling everyone “gay” all the time, then?"

Creepy Students factsShutterstock

29. Diary Of A Dippy Kid

I had a teacher who got me back in an epic way. It was back in the seventh grade—she made us write diary entries of the book we were reading. The book we were to read was our choice. I was a terrible writer, and had had enough of the diary entry stuff, and hated reading to boot. So, I wrote a long entry bashing her and her English class, in general.

When I came into class the next day, she had the projector out.  We were going to edit the grammar and punctuation of a paragraph. When she turned it on, my face went white. It was my journal entry!  I was mortified. The kids in the class were laughing at who could write something so stupid. Luckily, she had blacked out my name. Touché to her.

Close-Up Of Text Written On Paper.Getty Images

29. In Your Own Words

I created a "homework excuse" form that the kids had to fill out if they didn't have their homework done. One girl with an attitude problem filled out forms with a few with choice things like, “This class sux,” and “I had better things to do.” Well, her grade goes downhill and we have a parent-teacher conference.

The mom defends her daughter's grade, saying the homework was too hard or not clear enough. So I show her the forms, as signed by her daughter. The daughter is completely stunned and embarrassed and so was the mom. I got an immediate apology from both of them, and all her other homework was done on time for the rest of the year.

I Still Cringe factsShutterstock

30. Foreign Language Freak Out

I was a foreign teacher working at a high school that split up homerooms by academic level. The lowest level homeroom was the one that always gave me trouble. They talked the whole way through class, didn't respect me, and said offensive stuff to me in front of my face. That's not the worst part though—as a result of their behavior, they basically didn't learn a thing.

One day, I heard someone on Japanese TV say, "Hanasanakute ii yo," which means "It's okay if you don't speak." So one day, I said this in a loud voice to the worst kid in the class, addressing him by name. The dude actually shut up and listened. I had about 500 students between two schools at this point and I made sure to memorize not just his, but all of their names and called them out personally on their baloney.


Cringe-Worthy Presentations factsShutterstock

30. Keep It in Your Pants

I had this one student who kept intentionally farting. After telling him repeatedly to knock it off, I finally lost my cool and said, “Next time you do that, I hope you poop yourself.” Not five minutes later, I see him lifting his butt with that stupid grin on his face. Within seconds, the grin turned to pure terror.

He jumped up and said, "I gotta use the bathroom," and waddled out of the room with a large, wet brown spot on the back of his jeans.

Childhood Lies factsShutterstock

31. Discarding Reality

I had a student tank an assignment. My policy was that students can redo any assignment but the highest possible grade I will give a redo is a B. He refused to believe that he actually failed the assignment, and went to my department chair. The chair supported me, so he went to the dean. The dean supported me, so he just kept moving higher up the chain of command only to be told that I was right.

He made all sorts of irrational demands, which ticked off the various administrators he pestered. Finally, he became so annoying that everyone put their foot down once and for all—he was told to accept the grade, work out the redo with me, or face some sort of sanction for wasting everybody's time. After a month of this nonsense, I met with him and my chair.

I told him once again that he could redo the assignment for at most a B. He still tried fighting it, but the chair stepped in and said he had one minute to accept the deal or face the consequences. With no other option, he agreed to rewrite the paper. I gave him one week to get it done. On the day it was due, he showed up at my office and handed it to me.

Without even looking at it, I dropped it in my recycling container and said, “Thanks, I'll change your grade on the assignment to a B.” It seems petty, and the rewrite could have been just as bad as the original. I’ll never know. But the satisfaction I got from watching him jump through all those hoops and rewrite the paper, only to have me discard it, was worth it.

Teachers Cheaters FactsShutterstock

31. Take Five

In middle school orchestra, I was friends with the rowdy girl. We were generally smart alecks, but we weren't rude and we knew our stuff, so the teacher basically just waved us off and only interrupted when we got out of hand. One day, my friend was way crazier than normal, so he sends her out into the hall for five minutes.

Well, he actually ended up sending her out for however long it took us to go over a song. He then asks me to go get her, and right as I open the door, I hear him say, "She's going to say that it wasn't five minutes.” Sure enough, she did. The whole room burst into laughter. He just said, “I know, shut up and play your violin.” We had a lot more respect for him when we realized he was happy to play around with us too.

Weirdest Date FactsShutterstock

32. The Final Countdown

When I was in my last year in engineering college, I took a job as a tech high-school teacher in a public school in my city to help me pay my tuition. One day an electronics teacher called in sick, so they asked me to cover for him a few hours. The content wasn’t a problem for me, but the kids were older than the ones I usually taught.

When I entered the room, there was an unusual silence. Since these kids were older, their attitude was different. I introduced myself, explained the situation, and started the class after they told me what their status in the subject was. A minute after I turned around to write on the board, one kid yelled a nickname they had been using for me (without me knowing) and every kid started laughing.

I didn’t know who it was, so I turned around and asked, "Who was it?" Of course, there was dead silence. So I said, "Guys, I understand your group commitment and how you'll support each other. You know as well as I do that I can't let this slip through. So you'll all be asked to finish a very difficult assignment immediately after class unless the guy who called me names stands up like the man he thinks he is and takes the punishment for himself instead of having you all take it for him."

A few seconds later, the guy stood up and said "It was me, sir." I told him it was a noble choice to confess and I proceeded with the instructions of his epic punishment. I told him to go right outside the classroom and count all the tiles on the floor in the hallway, out loud, one by one. The hallway was about 30 ft x 8 ft, and the tiles were 2 in x 2 in.

His classmates were giggling. The guy went out and started counting out loud. "ONE!... TWO!... THREE!..."  I continued with the lesson. When the kid outside was at around 20, he started to lower his voice, so I yelled out through the open door, "I CAN'T HEAR YA!!" Then he raised his voice and went "TWENTY-ONE!! TWENTY-TWO!!"

At that point, his classmates burst out laughing and I asked them for silence to continue the class. When the guy was at around 50 or 60 tiles, I asked him back in. I told him it was OK to pick on people, but he must know about the person first, so he knows what he is dealing with and is prepared for a comeback. Those kids never called me names afterward—at least not to my face.

Class Clown Stories factsShutterstock

32. Choice Behavior

A friend of mine is a kindergarten teacher and had one student last year who would always make fun of everyone to the point of making other kids cry. She had another student who was adopted, and the jerk started making fun of him by saying things like "No one wanted you." The kid shut him down with one sentence.

My friend was about to intervene, but the adopted kid spoke up and said, “My parents got to choose me, but yours got stuck with you.” The kid didn't say anything for the rest of the day.

Booing Me FactsShutterstock

33. Hungry For Attention

When I was teaching at a trade school,  I had this one student who loudly announced, “Shoot, I’m hungry,”  in the middle of my introduction and when I was going over the syllabus. I asked him his name and told him to go get a sandwich and bring me one too.  He didn't leave; he just sat lower in his chair and was quiet for the rest of that class.

The following week, sure enough, he had another loud outburst. I knew exactly how to deal with it by then—I just looked at him and asked, "Where is my sandwich?" He was quiet most of the time after that, and when he wasn't, I would just ask about the sandwich and he'd shut right up.

Biggest Impact FactsShutterstock

33. Not Very Prepared for a Prep Student

During my first semester of teaching, I was at a very wealthy school with a class of mostly entitled jerk boys. There was a group of four who were the absolute worst though. They never did their work, said disrespectful things to me, and were overall awful human beings whose parents never seemed to discipline them.

I often overheard them bragging about getting away with stuff like being drunk at football games or worse. Although I reported the conversations to the administration, nothing ever got done. They ended up getting detained for stealing a car, crashing it, and breaking into a clubhouse. Also, three out of the four failed my class. That was great karmic justice.

Teacher Karma FactsShutterstock

34. Thank Goodness For Google

I had a student who copied off of his partner for every assignment for the whole semester. However, he was smart enough to always change the wording so that it wasn't identical, thus, I would have no proof to take to academic integrity. He slipped up on the last take-home assignment when he couldn't copy off his partner.

Instead, he used blatantly plagiarized information from Google. Finally, I had proof! He now is not getting credit for the course and has to retake it. He now also has a tainted academic record due to his offense and is potentially going to be on suspension until next fall. Gotcha!

Brightest Things Said By Dull Students factsShutterstock

34. Dunkin School

My first year teaching high school, I had a 16-year-old student who would come to school out of his mind on stuff, flirt with girls all through class, and talk about me in Spanish to the other students, right in front of me. I knew sort of what he was saying, but didn't have the classroom management chops or a strong enough grasp of Español to deal with it.

Four years later, he hands me my coffee at Dunkin Donuts on my way to school. We make eye contact briefly, he realizes who I am, his eyes dart to the floor, and he shuffles back to do Dunkin Donuts things. I felt a weird conflicted feeling of sadness and schadenfreude, if it's possible for those two things to mix. I hope he's making better decisions now.

Retail Moments FactsAndersen Air Force Base

35. The Workout That Worked Out

I had a kid in preschool who had mastered the whole "going limp" thing. He was a hefty boy and none of the teachers could pick him up when he did this, which meant it was a massive power move on his part. I happened to be on a fitness kick at the time and was going to the gym four mornings a week and working out with a trainer.

One day, I was complaining about this kid and my trainer had me start doing deadlifts. He said it was good exercise, but would also help me with this kid. It took about two months, but the day I was able to pick him up when he went dead was SO satisfying! The look on his face was of utter shock. No one, not even his parents had been able to pick him up for ages. He never did it again, at least, not at school. He'd lost his move.

Exercise FactsShutterstock

35. There Will Come a Time

I was late for my History class every day, including the day of the AP test. My teacher was always cool about it. In my yearbook however, he wrote, "Get an alarm clock. Someday you're going to be late when it really matters." The very next day, I woke up late and missed the boat from Seattle I was supposed to catch to meet my friend for a baseball game.

I missed the game and my friend was angry. I bought an alarm clock that afternoon.

Teacher Excuses factsShutterstock

36. The Long Shot

I was on the field on playground duty. To my left were a bunch of trees and behind them was all the play equipment, such as forts, bridges, and monkey bars. The monkey bars were closed at the time due to an incident that had happened earlier in the week. They were taped off with a big sign telling the kids not to use them. This one kid just wouldn’t listen.

I must have been over there 10 times, clearly explaining that they are out of bounds, but this kid couldn't care less. He was showing off to his friends, and every time I would walk back over to keep an eye on the more than 50 other kids on the field, he was back on the monkey bars. There was a soccer game that was going on behind me.

I stood there looking at this kid still on the monkey bars when the ball rolled past me into the trees. One of the boys from the field took off after it, and for some reason kicked it back to me. I realized that I'd just been presented with an amazing opportunity, although one heck of a long shot. I instantly line up what looks like a pass back to the kid, but instead, I kicked it too high and deep.

The ball dipped and curled, dodged two trees, and cleared the fort by inches. It came out of nowhere and smacked this kid right-center on the side of the head, knocking him off the monkey bars and into the dirt where he promptly started crying. It looked like a total accident. In no way did it look even remotely deliberate, but it was. Nobody went near the monkey bars for the rest of the day.

Conor McGregor factsGetty Images

36. Falling Down Stream

When I worked as an outdoor school teacher, this one boy was being really mean to all of the girls. He probably did it because of misplaced crushes, but that’s not an excuse. So, we were all at the river looking for animals, and he face plants into a massive sharp rock and instantly burst into tears.  I console him and ensure he didn't break anything...

Then this little girl comes up to me and says, "Well that was karma for being mean all day long." I laughed pretty hard and kind of verbally agreed with her, although I probably should have been more diplomatic. But honestly, he kind of did deserve it.

That Kid In School FactsPxfuel

37. Psychic Assessment

I was a sub for a few months in a history class where the teacher gave very little care about teaching. One of the students in the class was always loud and distracting to the other students. It always made the class very difficult, and he'd occasionally pick fights with other students. He wasn't mean; he just didn't know how to get along with the other kids.

One day, one of the students he was messing with asked out loud, "Why is he like that?" I answered with, "He probably has a pretty dysfunctional home life, where his parents don't provide him with healthy types of attention. One of them is probably incarcerated. He was probably abused at various points in his life, and never received the foundation to connect with people on a healthy level.

“So, this type of behavior is the only thing that he knows." A hush fell over the class. The loud kid looked at me astonished and said, "Mister, are you psychic or something?" He then started crying silently in the corner while I awkwardly tried to continue my instruction. He was pretty quiet for the rest of the semester.

Teacher Never Forget factsShutterstock

37. Really Dropped the Balls

I teach a high school elective course and I had a class with 23 boys and two girls. If you are a teacher, you know this is a nightmare. Teenage boys are definitely pack animals and are constantly in a struggle to establish their hierarchy. These guys were a constant ball of energy and were always doing stupid, stupid stuff.

They went through a phase where they “cup checked” each other. This went on for weeks. Someone would walk up to sharpen a pencil. BAM! Cup check! So, one day in class one student, Travis, asked to go to the restroom. I gave him the pass and sent him on his way. The rest of the class was quietly working when it happened.

Another boy in the back yelled out, “OH MY GOD! Travis just texted me a picture of his balls.” Now, I knew this could end up very badly if the administration dealt with it. So, I immediately got the kid to delete the text, calmed the riotous laughter, and somehow managed to get them all back on task. But I wasn't done yet.

Travis wasn't back yet and I definitely wasn't going to let him smugly get away with this. I called his mom and told her that Travis had done something and he should explain his actions to her instead of me. In walks Travis with this proud grin on his face. He thinks he's succeeded...until I casually look up from my desk and let him know his mom is on the phone.

There, in front of the entire class, he had to explain that he had just taken a picture of his “testicles” and sent it via text to his buddy in class. You could literally hear his mom screaming through the phone. Once he finished, I told her that I felt that she would best handle the situation and thanked her for her time. That day, I won.

Awkward Crush factsShutterstock

38. One-Sided Stories

I had a kid, Ray, who was a real pain when I taught 5th grade. Ray had one of those moms who refused to hold him accountable for anything. It was always, some other kid did it, Ray was just protecting himself, Also, she was one of those moms who would ask Ray if he was guilty, and take his “No” as incontestable truth.

I had a full caseload as a special ed teacher, so I got a helper named Steve. Ray HATED Steve. One day, Ray gets in trouble coming back from recess, and Steve reprimands him verbally. By the time Ray makes it to the classroom, he’s saying how Steve got in his face and shouted at him, even though nope, not what happened.

He asks to go talk to the principal—yay, Ray's gone for at least five minutes! He tells the principal how Steve grabbed his arm. When Mom comes and gets him, he’s saying Steve pushed him. The next day, we get a phone call. Ray's mom and grandma are coming in and want a meeting with Steve and the principal to discuss how Steve choked Ray.

Steve’s freaking out. Other kids were there, but no adults, no cameras, how can he prove his innocence? I tell him, “Go to the meeting and before anybody says anything, have Ray share what happened.” Steve came back smiling. As soon as one story came out, everybody else was disagreeing, “Well Ray told me—,” “but Ray told ME—.” I would have loved to see the mom's face as her kid was proven a liar in front of everyone.

Parent-Teacher Night factsShutterstock

38. What Happened To My Facebook Page?

I was teaching a technology course at a college. Through the reflection on the glass behind one student, I could see him browsing Facebook for the first hour of the class. I had root access to all the machines, so I did the pettiest thing—I remoted into his machine and updated his host file for Facebook to Seeing the next page go white and him being completely puzzled as to why every webpage worked besides Facebook was extremely satisfying.

Hurtful Comments factsShutterstock

39. As Many Times Until You Get It

I coached middle school football. Some kids have come out of their shell by then, while others have not. Most of the early bloomers were jerks who existed to make life terrible for everybody. The team’s starting halfback was one of those jerks. He gave a defensive lineman trouble and since everybody thought he was cool, they did it right along with him.

This lineman was a big guy, but not aggressive or outgoing. The little running backs took their Napoleon complexes out on the big guy by running by him and shouting “Sissy!” every time he failed to stop them. Rather than fight back to make the play, he would just ignore it and line up and try again the next play.

Well, one day the whole thing just clicked for the big guy and he started making plays. It was a cool thing to see. When he really started getting into a groove, I started putting the jerk guy in front of him and watching him plant that guy in the ground with a thud every time. Except this was just the beginning.

Soon, bruised and beaten, the jerk halfback asked me, “How many times are you going to run this play?” And I responded, “One for every time you called him a sissy.”

Creepy Teachers FactsShutterstock

39. Sweet Stapled Revenge

I had students who would give me multi-page papers. They weren’t paperclipped or stapled, and they wouldn’t have names on them. That ticked me off, so I sought my revenge. When I would ultimately locate them all and figure out who they belonged to, I would write their grade in the middle of the last page, then staple them all together directly through the grade.

Dumbest Exam Answers FactsShutterstock

40. Told You So

When I was in second grade, there was a boy who was a total jerk, annoying, and an all-around disobedient little brat. He was always getting in trouble with the teacher for one reason or another. Meanwhile, I was mild-mannered and obedient. One day, he was harassing me to no end in the line to go indoors after recess.

So, I say to him, “Kyle, if you keep bugging me, I'm going to scratch your arm so bad it bleeds.” He keeps bugging me and basically calling my bluff, so I do what I promised and scratch him down the forearm, making it bleed a little. When he went whining to the teacher, he must have thought he'd get away with it. Well, he didn't.

The teacher comes to me and asks, "Why did you scratch him?” I told her I'd warned him to stop bugging me or I'd do it. So she only turns to him and says, "Kyle, next time I suggest listening to her warning," and walked off.

Teacher Karma FactsShutterstock

40. A Whole New Outlook

I taught a large Intro to Environmental Science lecture class, and there was a group of four-to-five girls who would sit clumped together and constantly talk throughout the entire class every time it met. One day, I started the class by saying, "Have you guys seen Community? I just saw the episode where they parodied Dead Poets Society.

“The students get a new outlook on education by standing up in their chairs. Well, today four lucky girls are going to get a new outlook on environmental science!" I then proceeded with my grand display—I walked each girl to a new seat on all corners of the lecture hall. This was probably in front of around 300 other students. Justice felt amazing.

Dumbest Things Heard factsShutterstock

41. Bank Shot

I teach the first grade and had a boy who would not stop hitting kids with basketballs. He'd run up and pop the ball right at students. This kid seemed like he was trying to knock other children down, and he'd laugh really hard if he saw someone stumble or if they'd fall after they were hit by his basketball.

After talking with his parents, we told them we'd be taking the balls away from him until after spring break to see if his behavior improved. Well, after spring break was over it didn't take that little jerk even five minutes before he stalked and shot that Spaulding special at this poor little girl, knocking her down.

She cried and pointed at him. As I got up and walked his way, he started to bolt. He ran out of the playground, past the sand pit, and on to the basketball court. He maintained eye contact with me, and before I could take another step, a stray ball from another game bounced off and hit that little jerk square in the face.

He went down like a sack of potatoes. Of course, I ran over to him and made sure he was okay (he's a troublemaker, but he's still a child) and called for the nurse since he was out cold. He woke up with me above him and started crying, saying he'd never do it again. He didn't want to pick up another basketball the rest of the school year.

Amazing Coincidences factsFlickr, franchise opportunities

41. Can’t Bend The Rules

I had a difficult freshman when I taught high school French. He was really smart, but he had a really bad attitude and hung out with the loser kids.  He obviously wanted to maintain his loser rep. The test had a section where the students had to write a paragraph in said language about their favorite class. He wrote, “I don't have a favorite class, but I will tell you about my least favorite class: French.

“I hate this class because the teacher doesn't know what he is doing and a dog could teach me better than he does." Here's the thing, though—his paper was written in excellent form, I marked that entire section wrong because he didn't follow directions. Deep down I wanted to let him pass, but the petty side of me won out and I marked it wrong anyway.

When I passed the papers back he announced very loudly, "HEY! I did this part! Why did you mark it wrong!?" I very matter of factly said, "Because you didn't follow directions." He sat very quietly at his desk for a couple of seconds and said, "I am so full of rage right now."  A single tear rolled down his cheek. I couldn't help it. I broke into a fit of laughter right there in front of everyone. The class knew that he hated me and that I hated him, so there was no reason to hide it.

Teachers Said to Students factsShutterstock

42. Evenhanded Justice

In 8th grade, there was this class clown, Zach. Zach wasn't a terrible person, and he had that lucky combination of charisma and humor that allowed him to win teachers to his side. But one day he decided to pick on me. I'm sitting in science class, and the teacher sits this guy right across from me. I know I'm in for it.

He starts kicking the extra chair at the table while yelling at me to stop. Then he throws his book across the table and again yells at me to stop. Eventually, the teacher yells at me to stop. I try to say I couldn't have done it, but she gives me suspension for a day. I was beyond angry, and I knew I had to get back at him.

There was only three days left in school before summer, so I only had that long to get revenge. I figured the fastest way was to beat him up. So, I wait for English classroom to empty out and as we go into the hall, I punch him as hard as I could in the kidney. He looks at me with fake confidence and yells, “You wanna go?!?!” and hurriedly walks away.

Lena Headey factsShutterstock

42. This Is Not Your Domain

We had one rather enterprising high school senior boot from USB on his Windows tablet, then unlock the local admin account, and use that to make himself a local admin account. but here's the kicker—he was dumb enough to use his gamer tag as the account name. We had Computrace on those devices, and it phoned my home and alerted me about the user logging in as a non-domain account.

I remote-disabled it. It was confiscated and a very interesting parent-teacher-principal conference occurred. We threatened to expel him for breaking the user agreement that both he and his parents had signed TWICE, thus revoking his offer of a full scholarship to college.  He would be forced to repeat his entire senior year. In the end, he was forced to be our unpaid intern for the rest of the year, even when he had dates and school events.

Whole Class Laughed FactsShutterstock

43. Total Knockout

I was the big, quiet kid in 6th grade. It was a new school with new people. I had a few new friends who I hung out with, but everyone pretty much left me alone...except this one obnoxious kid. He'd interrupt me constantly, throw paper balls at me, and thought it was funny to randomly hit me all the time, then run away.

One day, we were coming back to class from lunch and I was running a little behind. About 50 feet from class, I hear someone run up behind me. As I turn, this kid grabs the back of my head, puts one of his legs in front of mine, and pushes. He broke my nose and split my lip wide open. I jumped up and started screaming, and all I saw was fear in his eyes.

He ran into class, claiming someone tripped me in the hallway, right as I came in screaming that I'm going to get him. The teacher runs up and asks what happened. Through the blood and tears, I managed to choke it. Then without hesitation, one of my new friends one-punched the guy out cold. We were super tight after that.

Lupe Vélez FactsMax Pixel

43. Science Slacker

I thought I was a pretty cool professor. I would allow for extra credit for writing a poem, or doing a drawing on the back of tests, writing my tests using basic pop culture references to get complex concepts across, all that good stuff. My students enjoyed it because I made sure there was always a little silly thing to help them remember names and facts they would need to know.

At the end of the semester, students have a group paper and PowerPoint presentation to do on a project they worked on the whole term. I hated doing group projects, but hey, get used to it, right? I made sure that they knew that participation was a major part of their grade, and if a single student in their group came to me to say someone wasn't pulling their fair share, I'd do something about it.

I never had a problem with this because even though I was the "fun" professor I was serious when it came to business. I graded them hard and had high expectations, but I made it worth their while. Well, one semester, this guy is in a group with extraordinarily quiet and shy students. He did NOTHING all quarter long, but nobody said anything to me from his group.

I was so fed up with him by the end of the quarter, I decided to mess with him. Because group projects stink and in order to stick it to that guy for being a freeloader, I graded individual students based on their ability to answer my questions on their presentation topic. Well, guess who got EVERY SINGLE QUESTION from me that day? Yup, the lazy kid.

He got zero points for participation since he did not speak during the group’s PowerPoint, zero points for the questions I asked him (he had no idea what I was asking him about when it was the topic of their group project), and zero points for the corresponding group paper because he couldn't name a single source he had contributed to the references.

His group of quiet, nice students was stunned that I went that hard on him, but they all thanked me for it later. He had made their group project impossible to do correctly by not doing jack and they were just too shy to do anything. He got a D in my course. He changed his major because he realized getting a science degree meant you had to understand science, write papers, and do work, not sit text your frat brothers during class.

Ruined Life FactsShutterstock

44. An Unbelievable, Amazing Deal

This kid was a very strange seventh grader. In addition to not being able to sit still, which is true of most seventh graders, he lacked self-control in every respect. For example, in his midterm project that he emailed to me, he had written a detailed “creative story” that made me cringe and made my skin crawl across the floor.

On other projects, he never did his share of the work and then blamed his group mates. He turned in maybe two homework assignments for the entire year, but it was somehow never his fault. He was also mean to other kids all the time. I had to put up with this strange, annoying and inappropriate child for the entire school year.

On the very last day of school, this kid stole another kid's iPad from his unlocked locker. He then pawned it off to another kid on the bus ride home...for $10. (This kid? Not that smart). So the buyer, who is also my student, came in bragging to me about this amazing deal he had gotten for an iPad. It was only $10!

Of course, I was suspicious, so I reported it to the administration. They quickly untangled the entire incident and expelled this kid from the school.

Science Fiction That Became Reality factsPexels

44. Flighty Student

I was a flight instructor and had an underperforming student. He wasn't dumb or unskilled, just lazy. When he realized that he wasn't going to finish his course before summer kicked in, he asked me to start flying with him on weekends so he would finish in time. I was kind of mad at the idea of losing my weekend to work, but I needed the money, and wanted this guy out of my hair, so I agreed.

On the third Saturday night, he left me enraged. He was a no-show without a call. I had to dig into the computer system to find out that he marked himself as sick five minutes before the lesson. Now, I was angry because my friends had gone camping that weekend, and I had skipped out to help this student who couldn't be bothered to call me about being sick.

As I was driving home, I stopped to get some food at a place next to our local movie theatre. While I was waiting for my food I saw my supposedly sick student walk into the theatre with his buddies. So, I decided to schedule the oral portion of his final exam at 5:30 am on Saturday, and the flying portion for 5:30 am on Sunday.

Plane Crashes factsShutterstock

45. Muay Thai’d up

Back when I was in secondary school, we had a Thai exchange student. He's this small, scrawny kid who didn't speak English that well and, being from a different country and all, he pretty much kept to himself. I decided to befriend him and we got along pretty well, or as well as you can when you can't really communicate too well.

Enter the jerk. He was about two years older than us and loved to pick on said Thai boy. Usually it was just scrapes and bruises, but one day he took it to the next level. The jerk and his whole posse confront us. He challenges the Thai boy to a fight, and meanwhile got his posse to basically beat the daylights out of us.

As this point, the Thai boy is visibly distraught and keeps going, "No fight, no fight." Then the jerk spits in his face. My friend's face completely changes. He grabs the jerk by his shoulders, pins him to the chain-link fence, and proceeds to kick him. The new kid seems to have more strength than his small frame suggests.

The jerk finally collapses, clutching his abdomen and pleading for the boy to stop. He never bothered us again. Apparently, my small friend was a junior Muay Thai champion before he moved away, and though he preferred peaceful interactions, he finally had enough. Can't say I blame him. It was an amazing thing to watch.

shutterstock_1389084170  Thai studentShutterstock

45. Wake Up Snoozer!

I had the same kid always falling asleep during my geometry class. I would regularly stand over the sleeping student's desk and drop a textbook on the floor to wake him up. It didn't stop him from sleeping, so I took it to the next level. One day, I told him to stand against the wall for the remainder of the class. He never slept in class again.

Kid's Home Life FactsShutterstock

46. High School Mind Games

I taught a class right after lunch so I had a couple of kids who would come in late and obviously high. The class was pretty quiet before they got in, so every now and then, I would mess with them and ask them for the assignment I gave out; the one that everyone else had already handed in at the beginning of class. The look of panic was amazing—they would just start fumbling with words.

I told them it wasn't a big deal and they could hand it in next time. They could never figure out that there wasn't an assignment.

Memorable Overheard Comments FactsShutterstock

46. Money Can’t Buy You Class

I've been a TA for a couple courses at my university, which is fairly competitive and the students are generally all top notch. Once in a blue moon, though, someone slips by the admission process. My worst experience was as a TA for a lower division math course. She was a freshman student, and spoiled doesn't begin to cut it.

Her family was clearly loaded, and I suspect she went to some insanely expensive private school that wrote her application for her. This girl would be in designer clothes and on her phone or laptop the entire time in lecture. Obviously everyone does this sometimes, but this girl was clearly just chatting with her friends and shopping for clothes all the time.

When she failed to turn in the first four problem sets, I sent her a quick email to let her know that homework contributed to a significant portion of her grade. I also said I'd still accept them. I never got a response. So she gets a blatant F on her first midterm. Like, it’s not an F that could be rounded up to anything significant.

She was at a point where she should've just dropped out and try again next semester. I sent another email saying this. This time I got a response, with her stating she could make the grade back next midterm. Alright, I think, suit yourself.  So I continue through the rest of the semester. She's still failing...until something absolutely ridiculous happens.

At the last meeting of my discussion section, SHE SHOWS UP! Not just that, but with her parents. Oh my god, it gets better. She stays after the session to introduce me to her parents, and then hands me a stack of papers and informs me that it's all the homework for the semester. Meanwhile her parents are sitting there all proud of their little girl.

I take the stack graciously and, in my most professional voice, let her know that I'd be happy to take a look at it, but she won't get any credit. Her parents' faces completely fall. Her father starts to insult me. So I show them everything: The abysmal attendance record, the 0% homework score, the low, low, low midterm scores.

Now she's starting to tear up and the parents are seriously fuming. Not wanting to put myself in the middle of the rest of the storm, I mumble that I have a class to get to and sprint out of there...but not before I hear the student getting chewed up so loudly that people actually poked their heads out of classrooms. She never showed up for the final.

That Kid In School FactsShutterstock

47. The Winning Kick

I was a primary school teacher in a rural central school. I had this one kid in my class of nine students who were constantly disruptive. He would jump up and down on the desks, throw objects at staff and students, and would swear constantly. Not much could be done, one of his parents worked at the school and the principal almost refused to suspend or expel him no matter how bad his behavior was.

One afternoon, I was out on playground duty and he was kicking a soccer ball around with some other kids. The ball came past me and I stopped it. He yelled out, "Kick it here," while calling me a name and walking toward me. I took a few steps back, lined him up, and belted the life out of the ball. What happened next made everyone's jaws drop. It hit him square in the nuts and stomach.

He fell down like a bag of bricks. All the kids in the playground were laughing and I ran over to "see if he was OK." He got up and looked at me with tears welling in his eyes.  I had a slight smirk on my face and said, "You wanted it, you got it." Then his face turned back toward the ground again and he began throwing up.

He didn't come back to school for four days after that, and when he eventually did come back, he was almost a model student for the remainder of the year. The next year I was put in a different class and his issues started arising again. He didn't last till the end of the first term before his parents decided to home-school him.

That Kid In School FactsShutterstock

47. Entitled to Proper Treatment

I had a student who was an entitled little jerk. Like, way more entitled than any of the teens I’ve taught. He thought he could cheat on a test, cuss out a teacher, be cruel to an intellectually disabled student, skip class, throw things at people, etc. Thing is, he could do all this because his mother thought he was perfect and never disciplined him.

She would then immediately try to turn it around on the teachers, saying how they’re always trying to get her child in trouble. Earlier this year, he made an awful remark to a girl classmate who was this nerdy, sweet honors student who would never hurt a fly. But it turns out he messed with the wrong person.

The girl's boyfriend punched the kid right in the face and busted his nose. It was amazing. Even though I obviously had to discipline the boyfriend, I was secretly glad it happened.

Snapped Back At Bully FactsShutterstock

48. Spoiler Alert

I was a physics teacher at a private all-boys high school. One of my students was always very rowdy, and normal threats or punishments weren't working. I found out this kid loved Game of Thrones, and that worked brilliantly in my favor. One day, when I asked the kid to quiet down and he refused, I gave him a Game of Thrones spoiler. I then informed him that every time he misbehaved, I would spoil the show for him.

He didn't believe me, so he tested it out a couple of times and was met with a new spoiler each time. He didn’t misbehave in class after that.

Weird Flex Kids FactsShutterstock

48. Junkie Attitude

I had a 5th grader who was a know-it-all menace. He'd interrupt me and say, "Well actually Miiiiissssssssss..." and then state some random fact that was often wrong or irrelevant. Well, eventually while on lunch duty, I see that his lunch every day is a can of soda, a bag of chips, and tons of candy, like the bag is busting at the seams.

I alert the principal because I'm worried that his grandmother, who was raising him, wasn't feeding him properly. The principal calls the grandma and grandma gets angry. She was letting him pack his own lunch and wasn't checking it. So, she's embarrassed that we've called her on it. She tells us that she will only pack healthy food now and tells us he can't have ANY candy.

A week later, the kid is still being a little jerk and ticks off another student. In retaliation, the student runs to the principal and says that the kid has been sneaking candy to school every day. When the principal goes to talk to him, the kid shoves a chocolate bar into his mouth and the principal takes away the Blow Pop sucker he has.

This kid proceeds to roll around on his belly across the entire hallway, screeching and crying so hard that he's choking on the half-chewed chocolate bar. That's when a kindergarten student walks by and says, "You look like a baby." The kid stops wallowing long enough to punch the little student. He got suspended, and I got a peaceful classroom.

Infuriating Parents factsShutterstock

49. The Art Of Fighting

I taught high school art. I had a student become furious with me and eventually threaten to hit me. I tried to give the kid an easy out because I knew he wouldn't do it, and nothing good could come of embarrassing him. However, he wouldn't have it and continued to threaten me. Finally, I gave him an ultimatum—I told him to just go ahead and either take a swing at me or get out of my room.

He was now even more furious that I called his bluff. So in retaliation, he threw a jar of paint at the wall as he stormed out of the room. It made a huge splatter, which he assumed I would have to clean up. Instead, I created a silhouette of Ryu and the paint became the Hadouken. When he came back from suspension he had this look of defeat. Other students thought it was badass.

Bogus Punishments FactsShutterstock

49. Einstein’s Kryptonite

This one student had an ego so large it could barely fit into room. Sure, he was smart, always scored near perfect, and wanted to go to med school. But he would also do stuff like bring in articles about how one small minute detail was incorrectly taught in class. If he got one point off on a 99% exam, he brought in highlighted notes from the textbook.

Unfortunately, for all of his knowledge, he did not get into medical school. When he found out why, he was devastated. His guidance counselor followed up with one of the med school interviews he had, and the school emailed back and told them how much of a jerk the student had been throughout the entire meet up.

Legendary Comebacks factsShutterstock

50. It Didn’t Add up

I interned in a class with this kid who always thought he was smarter than everyone else. He was pretty smart, but not by too much. Yet he always got paired with kids who weren’t as smart as him, so he would always be super smug when dealing with them. During one parent-teacher conference, we found out exactly where he got it from.

His parents thought he was the smartest kid in the school. They built him up as that and they got him thinking it, too. In this meeting, they even went off on the teacher, saying she “was bringing him down” and that she “was terrible.” The conference ended when the teacher left the room crying. But it didn't take long for sweet revenge.

About a week later, there was an event where parents came to watch their children do math games with other students. Well, the teacher paired this smug little kid with the actual smartest kid in class. The kid got destroyed in the math games. His parents were so flustered, they left before it was all done and took him out of school for the rest of the day.

Worst Teachers factsShutterstock

50. Bait And Switch

I taught a high school stats class. There was a group of very talkative and disruptive kids who were doing well. I sensed something was fishy. When I looked at their tests, I saw that they all had the same answers. So I looked at the seating chart and noticed that they could all look over each other's shoulders of the smart, quiet girl. I knew what I had to do for the next time.

I decided to give her a different test; only her. When I handed back the tests, I told everyone who got under 50% to come and see me. These kids got around 10%. When I was alone with them, I said, "Well, this is your punishment for cheating. Don't do it again."

Cringe-Worthy Presentations factsShutterstock

Sources: Reddit, , ,


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