Scared People Share The Mysterious Experiences They Still Can't Explain
Can we ever really be sure of anything we think we know? Isn’t it possible that everything we think is real is just some kind of mysterious delusion?
February 4, 2020
Eul Basa
People Too Scared To Break Up With A Crazy Significant Other Share The Aftermath
Break ups are tough. No matter what the situation, someone is bound to get hurt. Many of the following stories serve as examples of what not to do.
September 10, 2019
Eul Basa
Scared Parents Revealed The Creepiest Things Their Kids Ever Said
Most of the time, kids say the darnedest things. Other times, they say the most disturbing things that leave parents scratching their heads.
March 19, 2019
Eul Basa
Scared People Share The Most Paranormal Thing That's Ever Happened To Them
Halloween might be over, but it's always fun to get a spooked. Let us shift your normal into the paranormal and improve your repertoire of scary stories.
November 26, 2018
Eul Basa
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