

5 Personal Finance Tips You Must Know While You're Still Young

It's an advantage to have a solid grasp of basic financial concepts as early as possible so that one can be prepared to face the world with minimal shock.
July 5, 2023 Eul Basa

People Share The "Poor Meal" They Still Eat No Matter Where They Are Financially

Many of us grew up in poor families. Living paycheck to paycheck often meant having to improvise on a lot of things, especially meals.
November 20, 2020 Eul Basa

People Share The One Thing They Still Regret Doing

Most of us try to go through our lives without regret. But it's impossible to do everything right. Without mistakes, we would never learn and grow.
November 20, 2020 Eul Basa

People Share Strangers They Still Think About

Ask just about anyone you know and they probably have a great story involving strangers. These people share the odd person they still think about.
November 18, 2020 Eul Basa

These Mega Embarrassing Moments Still Made Us Burst Out Laughing

Plans don’t always work out how we want, and in ultra embarrassing moments like these, all we can do is say, "...I messed up."
October 9, 2020 Eul Basa

Scared People Share The Mysterious Experiences They Still Can't Explain

Can we ever really be sure of anything we think we know? Isn’t it possible that everything we think is real is just some kind of mysterious delusion?
February 4, 2020 Eul Basa