Discover the 25 wealthiest people in the US as of 2024. From Elon Musk to Len Blavatnik, find out how these billionaires made their fortunes, and what their current net worth is.
We guess that sometimes employers have good reason to ask these out-of-left-field questions. But for most of these, we can't imagine what that reason could be. If you have any ideas, let us know in the comments. And just for fun...How would you answer them?
Imagine being worth a billion dollars. Now imagine being worth a billion dollars and being under 35 years old. For the 25 people on this list—according to Forbes—they don't have to imagine it, because they are actually living it.
Warren Buffett is well-known as being one of the world's richest men. You don't get there by accident—here, the Berkshire-Hathaway CEO shares indispensable financial advice for success.
Over one-third of American adults have a side hustle alongside their full-time job. Whether you're one of those people already looking for new ideas, or you want to bring in a little extra money every month, here are 20 side hustles you can try—without giving up your 9-to-5 job.
Uncover the top financial scams of 2023. From fake checks and fake jobs, to government imposters and fake loan forgiveness, find out how much consumers lost in financial scams in 2023, and the most common methods the fraudsters preferred.
Uncover 10 things people post on social media that employers consider red flags. Find out how employers are finding people, why they're looking, and what to avoid posting if you want to get a job.
Discover 24 workplace traits and values of baby boomers that younger generations should follow. From their perseverance to their ability to adapt, find out what baby boomers have to offer that are soon to be a lost art.
Discover 12 signs that it may be time to quit your job. From negative workplace culture and an absence of advancement opportunities to personal health concerns and a lack of appropriate work-life balance, this article offers insights to help you navigate the future of your career path.
Discover the top 12 child self-made millionaires who built their fortunes from the ground up. From YouTube sensations to innovative entrepreneurs, these young prodigies have turned their passions into lucrative businesses, inspiring a new generation of ambitious achievers.