July 6, 2023 | Eul Basa

Love Can Be Cheap: 5 Cheap Date Ideas

There's a common misconception that cheap dates are tacky and tasteless, but who says you need to spend lots of money to have a good date? Sometimes, it's just better to keep it simple. A date shouldn't be about fancy restaurants and overpriced steaks; it should be about connecting with the person you're with, and money should have nothing to do with that.

The most memorable dates are often the ones that are the most meaningful; the ones that linger on in our minds long after they've happened. If you're looking to really make an impression on your date, consider trying one of the following 5 cheap date ideas—not only are they inexpensive, they're also very unique and impactful.

Image result for first dateAsk Men

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#1 Go on a childhood walking tour

Perhaps one of the best ways to get to know someone is to dive into their past and learn where they came from. Instead of explaining your life story over dinner, why not show your date in real life? If you're fortunate enough to live near the neighborhood where you grew up, you could take your date there and retrace the steps back to your childhood.

Show your date where you went to school, where you threw your first baseball, or where you had your very first kiss. Get detailed with the stories behind the places you've been—what was going on in your life at the time? What emotions were running through your head? Surely, your date will appreciate you letting your walls down and opening yourself up to them.

Image result for date on benchStecklair Events

#2 Be amateur photographers for a night

For this date, you don't need anything but a camera. Pick a scenic location, like a downtown area or a forested trail, and just start taking pictures. Your single goal for the night is to capture the beauty that surrounds you. You don't have to be a pro either; you can just use your camera phones or go a little fancier with Polaroids or DSLRs.

The whole point of this date is to allow you and your date create your own story together; one that you can later look back on and revisit with the pictures you've taken. Not only will the pictures serve as souvenirs for the night, but they will also give you a hint of your date's personality, perspectives, and level of creativity.

Related imageChelsea Toronto

#3 Set up a cozy blanket fort

There's always a way to take "Netflix and chill" to the next level. Clear the space in your living room, then bring out some sheets, pillows and Christmas lights. Channel your inner kid and build the biggest blanket fort you can. Not only is the building part a whole lot of fun, but it will also give you an idea of how well you two work as a team. Once you've set up your blanket fort, finish off the night with a movie and a cozy cuddle inside.

Image result for blanket fortPinterest

#4 Hit up a video game bar

Bring out your competitive side by hitting up a video game bar! Video game bars are starting to gain a lot of popularity in cities and they're a great place to go on a date. For a small cover fee of $10 or so, you and your date can enjoy unlimited video games that are set up throughout the venue. Add a couple of drinks into the mix and you've got yourself a really fun night. Just remember not to go overboard—Mario Kart can be a friendship ruiner!

Image result for video game barPower Up Bar

#5 Bake something together

You can have your cake and eat it too... literally. A great way to break the ice and get your date engaged is by baking something together! You could do something simple like cupcakes or challenge yourselves with something a little more complex like a chocolate souffle. No matter what you decide, you're sure to have fun getting messy with the ingredients and eating some delicious desserts!

Image result for making pizza at homeMetropolitan Life




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