March 26, 2020 | Eul Basa

People Share What Former Friends Did That Ended The Friendship

Just like family members, true friends are supposed to be there for you no matter what. That’s why it stings when those you trusted most turn out to say or do something that ruins an entire friendship. From turning down friends when they need you most to a bad case of sticky fingers, these people knew it was time to dump their pals.


#1 Former Friend

In college, a former friend of mine once tried to take me to bed (I'm also a guy) while I was passed out (he wasn’t out of it at all). He did all of that despite knowing that I’m a straight man and even had a girlfriend at the time. Luckily for me, there were some actual friends who stopped him from going any further.


#2 Summer Camp

I got attacked by two guys in a summer camp and told my best friend. After calling me stupid for letting that happen, she apologized and I forgave her. Then I saw her parents, who asked how summer camp went. My ex-friend turned to me and went, "Well, you made many friends, didn't you? Don't you want to tell my parents about it ?" with a big smile on her face. I don't feel too bad about thinking that she can rot.


#3 You Can Do It

I was gaming with my best friend and my wife was sitting on the couch next to me just reading a book. She was super content just letting me game. She just wanted to be spending time with me. My friend had a one-year-old kid that he just stuck in a bouncing chair in the side of the room while we played. He said the kid loved that chair and was in it a lot, so he just gamed.

The kid started whining a bit, but he got ignored. I thought, "We'll probably hit this checkpoint and he'll go tend to his kid." Nope. Several good stopping points had passed and the kid was fussing even more. So my buddy said to my wife, "There's formula in the cupboard and the diaper bag is over in the corner there. He's probably just hungry and has a poopy diaper if you want to feed and change him."

I looked at this guy like he'd just slapped her, turned my game off and said, "How about instead of asking my wife to do it, you put down your game and take care of your own child?" A bit of a harsh response, but he looked so hurt that I'd just told him to take care of his own child instead of game all day. I packed my stuff up and we left. I haven't spoken to him in three years.


#4 Setting Him Up

One of my best friends of several years set me up to get robbed of my money, wallet and jacket. I don't really know why they decided they wanted to do it, but I knew from enough people (and just the way it all happened gave me suspicions) telling me it was him that I found out. Naturally, I stopped being friends with him.



#5 Best Friend’s Girl

My best friend’s ex-girlfriend told everyone I took her to bed while they were dating, when I definitely had not. She was the most irritating person I'd ever met and I don't know if I've ever been attracted to someone less than I was to her. It ruined our friendship and destroyed her relationship with my friend. She is one of those people that crave drama and can't live without having something wrong to moan about. 


#6 It’s Satire

I’m the dumped friend. She posted a video from The Onion of a fake senator reading a fake bill that was all redacted. You could tell with context clues it was basically saying in the event of Armageddon, the high-powered people have bunkers to hide in. She made some comment about the redacting and our government hiding stuff.

I commented that it was a satire video and not real. She got super mad and accused me of trying to make her look stupid. She said there was no way she could’ve known. “The Onion” was in the bottom right hand corner of the video. She blocked me and we have never spoken since. We knew each other for at least five years. I (more accurately, my parents) took her in when she ran away from home for, like, a year when we were teens.


#7 Spilling Secrets

I had a best friend and ex-co-worker for five years. I confided in her and told her about my self harming, depression and stuff I went through as a child. Two days later, she not only told everyone in the office what I had said to her, but she went behind my back and also told my family. It was absolutely heartbreaking.


#8 Acting Rich

We had one friend who said he fell on bad times with money, so we paid everything for him during the next couple of months. After a few months, we found out he was going out with new people all that time and was acting rich in front of them with all the money he was saving by scamming us. I hope it was as worth it for him as it was for us.


#9 Scheming Sister

My ex called me having a bawling fit. My ex’s sister and her husband were losing their house and needed $10,000 to save it. We argued and argued about it. I knew they were horrible with money and bought only the best on credit. My point was they were supposedly $10K behind on one house loan. My ex sent the money when I was the only one working in our household. 

Needless to say, I was livid. They went to dodging us and never returned our calls. They went to Vegas on my money, took a cruise, and bought a new fridge because they didn't like the color of the one we gave them. They partied at a casino and called us to brag about being up by $3,000. I asked for the money then and they ghosted us. It took two years for the rest of the family to shame them into paying us back with no interest. I spent the money on a divorce and invested the rest.


#10 My Brother Did It

My former best friend of over six years hit up my ex-girlfriend on the day we broke up. He sent her a message asking if she wanted to “hang out at his house.” At the time, he also had a girlfriend, who was pregnant with his child. My ex-girlfriend had the sense to hit me and his girlfriend up with the messages. 

My ex and his girlfriend decided to go to his place and expose him. I didn’t want to do anything, but I didn’t want anything to happen to either of the girls. So we showed up, his mom greeted us and let us in. As soon as he saw us three, he knew that his gig was up, but he acted all surprised. We told him we knew, but he kept defending his case by saying his little brother (who was six) sent my ex those messages.

To make a very long story short, his pregnant girlfriend dumped him and he’s currently paying child support to her. On top of everything else, he also moved out of the state maybe a month or so after everything happened. My ex-girlfriend and I got back together and are currently three months into our marriage.



#11 Friendship Over

I asked one of my old friends to dogsit, which was a giant mistake. He didn’t love my dog when he was dog sitting, carelessly let her run away, then failed to even look for her. My surveillance cameras caught it all. I can’t even explain how angry I was. The good news is that my dog came home that day an hour or two later. I saw her on the cameras out front. Regardless, friendship over.


#12 Day Before the Wedding

I spent all day using my truck and trailer to help an ex-friend haul tables, chairs and a giant archway to the church for his wedding. I was supposed to be a groomsman. After I helped with everything, he thanked me and offered me $20 for gas. I went, “Whoa, dude. I'm in your wedding. I don't need money to help make this happen.”

Then he told me that Brent (his fiancee’s best guy friend and former buddy she fooled around with) wanted to be in the wedding party. He was wondering if it would be cool if this guy, who he knew for less than three months, took my spot. He then told me, “I can see if any of her cousins backed out and if there's a seat open somewhere.”

This was the day before the wedding. I had been best friends with that guy since kindergarten. But, his wife didn't like me because I knew about her wild past from a different circle of friends, so this was her attempt to push me out. He caved but none of the other people involved would help move anything, so he waited until the last minute to get me to help. I haven't spoken to that guy since. Last I heard, she quit her job and sleeps around in his house all day while he's at work. They deserve each other.


#13 I Just Don’t Care

A friend had physically harmed another friend who was partied out because he thought nobody would notice. The next day, I confronted him and after looking in my eyes and denying what I had seen for 30 minutes, it was like his mask came off. I had never understood the descriptions of the coldness of eyes until that moment. He just looked at me, smiled, and said, "Honestly? I just don't care."

We’re no longer friends. Everyone else eventually figured out that he was insane and took a step back. He checked into a psych ward for three days, but kept the admittance bracelet on for three weeks. He told everyone he talked to, using my name, about this woman who destroyed his life and caused him to wind up there. Don't be friends with psychopaths, kids. If they have alienated everyone they ever knew, the common denominator is them.


#14 One Way Street

I used to have a group of people I thought were my friends. Because of this, I did a lot for them. I helped them out by working on their projects, supported them, let one stay in my home rent free when they were in danger of becoming homeless. I did all that for these people, but two years in a row, they couldn't be bothered to do something as simple as celebrate my birthday. Half of them didn't even bother responding to being invited. I've pretty much cut them all out of my life now. 


#15 Game Nights

Recently, I started getting out of the house. I'm a single father of two girls and I've focused on them 1000% for a really long time. I finally got out of the house a few times and went to a friend's house a few times for game nights. I did that until this one dude she invited socked me for accidentally touching his hat of all things. 

What struck me most is that my friend was hosting and didn't even offer an apology to me. It was insane. It was like I was back in high school. I gave them ample time to realize what happened. It took her three months to even realize we were no longer friends on social media. She tried to add me back recently. Honestly, it broke something in me.


#16 Toxic Predator

An ex-friend of mine was pushing me for inappropriate images under the flimsy guise of "joking," seemingly out of nowhere. To make things worse, I was in a three-year relationship with my now husband. Not to mention, this ex-friend of mine also had a girlfriend of his own during this whole ordeal. Real classy.

Now, this wasn't really something he had done previously in all our years knowing one another. So, with that in mind, I foolishly tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and just made it unmistakably clear to him that if he didn't stop behaving like a mindless pervert, I'd cut contact and end our friendship.

Then one day I got an image text; it was himself outlined in gym shorts. It was also a sad and completely transparent fish for compliments, then the most pathetic backpedal of the century. A friendship of 10+ years ended, but not before I laid into him first before blocking that toxic predator. That guy was the worst.



#17 People Change

I went to stay the night with one of my best friends. Long story short, the entire night was just her on her phone, not invested or listening to anything I said. This was a problem I’d been having with her the past year at most. She wanted to go to sleep super early because she was tired. I ended up lying and saying I needed to go home and she was more than fine with it. After all, all she wanted to do was sleep or text.

Not even an hour after I got home, I saw her Snapchat story of her at her other new friend’s house, seemingly having a blast. Not only was it hurtful, but she didn’t care that I would see it. That was when I decided we were no longer best friends. I still get sad about it because we had been so close since junior high. Some people just change for the worst.


#18 Come Over

I have chronic health issues and my best friend was trying to get me to drive 30 minutes to her house to go swimming. She asked me over when I had to pack to leave town the next day. She kept pushing and pushing, but when she finally realized I wasn't going to agree, she said, "You wouldn't be any fun even if you had your health." I left and didn't speak to her again.


#19 Not My Job

I was going through some stuff and needed to be talked down from hurting myself one night. I told my friend I really needed help and someone to talk to. She said, "I'm really not up for that right now. You're on your own." I listened to this woman rant about her money troubles and helped her out. The one time I needed some help, that took a lot to ask for, I got a selfish, "Sorry, not my job.” I haven't talked to her in seven years and she can still drop off the face of the earth. 


#20 Get Out

My cousin and I were inseparable as teens. He went on his mission (Mormon) and I went to hang out for a few days when he got back, I was so excited. I got there, paid for all the fun stuff we went out to do, no problem. His childhood friend and I were trying to get him to go for a walk to this cave we used to go to. My cousin then decided to tell me what a piece of trash I was and that I was going to the underworld because I'm gay. I didn't say a word and I drove him home immediately. I said "get out" and haven't talked to him in the eight years since then.


#21 Alice’s Sabatoge

I was best friends with this girl (let's call her Alice) for several years. I’m bi and had just ended a relationship with a guy. I started dating a woman I met through Alice. Alice was becoming increasingly territorial, even before I started hanging out with this woman. Eventually, we became more serious and Alice called my girlfriend and told her that I'd said, "she was just some lesbian that was obsessed with me" about my girlfriend. 

Those words had never and would have never left my mouth. It was just Alice's attempt at sabotaging our relationship. Fortunately, my girlfriend knew better and called me immediately. I was able to fix the situation and right the wrong. However, my friendship with Alice was absolutely done as soon as I knew about it.


#22 Her Own Group

This one old friend of mine once said that relationships were more important than school as a reason for refusing to help on a group project. She was utterly obsessed with her new boyfriend and didn't want to do anything else but hang out with him. We sent the emails to our physics teacher and she got put into her own group.



#23 Good Riddance

I knew it was time to dump this friend after they convinced me to delete my accounts everywhere and make new ones. That and promising me that they’d protect me from my ex. They also witnessed everything my ex did to me, and how it scarred me for life. Despite all of this, I found out that my best friend was dating my ex behind my back for months, lying about it the whole time.

I didn’t know who my friend was dating since they refused to introduce them in person. As it turns out, they had been dating each other behind my back a few weeks before my ex broke up with me. The whole thing scarred me to this day. It’s been a year and I haven’t heard from either of them since, though. Good riddance.


#24 Word of Mouth

I just found out through word of mouth that one of my best friends (and groomsmen in my wedding) has been telling people that he would be skipping my wedding to go to his girlfriend’s college graduation. He's known me for a total of eight years and he’s only been dating his new girlfriend for about six months. 


#25 Just Be Grateful

I was 16 and had my first boyfriend. I confided in my best friend of a decade that I was really upset because he got annoyed at something I said at Baskin Robbins and shoved me. I also told her that it wasn't the first time. She told me that she didn't want to hear it and that I had no right to complain because unlike her, at least I had a boyfriend. That was pretty much that for our friendship.


#26 No Lingering Guilt

I sent my brother $5k to bail him out of debt and get caught up on his rent and then some. Next thing I know, three months later, he's in the Bahamas for two weeks, then went on a month-long cruise. He also got a few thousand from our mother apparently before he asked for my help. I haven't spoken to him for close to four years. But, I saw him at our father's funeral. I was cordial out of respect to the family and left after the service. That was five years ago and I didn't speak to him at all. He passed away this past year and I don't feel guilty at all.


#27 Missing Cat

A friend of mine owned a cat that was maybe seven years old at the time. She and her ex-roommate got into an argument and my friend ended up leaving the apartment for a few days. My friend’s indoor cat somehow got outside the apartment and the ex-roommate decided not to tell my friend that her cat was outside.

Three days later, my friend returned to the apartment and found out that her cat was missing for three days. She went outside and called for the cat over and over. The cat came limping up, her leg was broken, and my friend had to get the cat's leg amputated. It makes me angry just even thinking about how the ex-roommate didn't bother to have any concern. They don’t talk anymore. 


#28 Distancing Herself

When I was about 15 or 16 years old, my friend confided in me that she had made out with a 10-year-old boy. When I told her that what she did was extremely inappropriate, but she defended herself by saying that this boy was cute. I distanced myself from her for the rest of school and haven’t spoken to her since.


#29 After Graduation

I was friends with my best friend from seven years of age until right around when I graduated from college. He was incredible at what he did and he ended up with a high paying job right out of college. He was a completely normal dude when I knew him with very loving parents and siblings. Totally ordinary guy.

Right after he graduated, he just didn't know how to handle his money. He started spending money on escort services weekly and trying harder substances over the course of the first year after his college graduation. In the end, he was addicted. We grew further apart due to his habits around this time and I found out that he took his own life shortly before I moved overseas.


#30 No Time for Foolery

My one guy friend (24) told me (a 25-year-old woman) on New Years Eve that 2020 was the year he was going to take me to bed, even if he had to do it by force. So, I blocked him everywhere and cut all contact. He has since tried to reach me through other people to "apologize" but I don’t have time for any of that foolery.


#31 Life Choices

I was considering moving across the country and mentioned it to my best friend at the time. She started yelling at me that I needed to get my life together and needed to stop sleeping around. Needless to say, I was in shock as I was not active at the time. I hung up and refused to answer her phone calls. She continued to blow up my phone. Later in the day, another friend took the phone and proceeded to yell at her. I haven’t been in contact since that time and it’s been almost 15 years. I also haven’t missed having someone make me feel bad about my life choices.


#32 Five Friends

"We hate how you became a mother all of a sudden and now spend no time with us anymore.” Because apparently the friendship was only real if we were out partying, I guess. I lost five friends on the spot. Now that I think about it, maybe they weren’t even my friends to begin with. I hated going out with them anyway!


#33 Better Friends Now

An ex-friend said I was being a bad friend for not wanting to game after my sixth 10-hour shift that week. I was beyond exhausted and desperately wanted to go to bed. Said friend also called me names because I was worried that I got my girlfriend pregnant. That girlfriend later left me for other reasons, so I decided to start making changes without her holding me back. I got a new job, a different living arrangement, started doing more outside of the house, etc. I didn't mean for him to be one of the things left behind, but I've gotten out of that pit and have much better friends now.


#34 Still Baffled

I was this friend. I went to a good friend's birthday party and apparently I must have said something that really offended her. I tried reaching out repeatedly and she refused to speak to me. I still have literally no idea what I said or did. My wife was there too, and she doesn't know either. Very, very strange. It's been over six years, and I'm still baffled.


#35 Proud Statement

It was during college and I was having a conversation with two of my friends. I don't know how we got to the topic, but one of the girls said something along the lines of, “I don't really like gay people. I think what they do is disgusting and I would never support them.” I honestly just walked away right there and then. We haven’t spoken since. I'm not gay myself, but I just hate that way of thinking and was honestly shocked at how proud she was of that statement.


#36 You’re on Speaker

I had a friend who was on the phone with my brother. My brother was hanging out with me and my ex-girlfriend at the time. He was on speaker but didn't know, and asked my brother if he was going to try to sleep with my girlfriend. All three of us heard. My brother ended that conversation real quick after that and I never spoke to that friend again.


#37 Cutting Ties

I cut my sister out of my life after she told me "just get over it already" when referring to my years of trauma from childhood. She doesn't understand why I can't just pretend none of it happened because "it was a long time ago and they’re your family." It's sad because she was one of the few family members I did have something to do with, but I grew tired of her making comments like that and always trying to push my toxic parents back into my life.


#38 Rich Kid

I was a second year in university and working part-time jobs to help pay my way through school. One night, before leaving for a late shift, my then-roommate had the nerve to laugh at me and tell me that I should consider finding a job in my field of study. He had rich parents and his dad had found a summer internship for him the previous summer. 

I moved out shortly after for other reasons, but I haven't spoken to him since then. The icing on the cake was when he texted me a year later to invite me out to his going away dinner, which he knew I absolutely wouldn't go to. It was all just so that he could tell me he was moving to California to work an internship at Apple.


#39 Here’s What You Did

When I realized how unhealthy our relationship was. I didn’t have enough experience at the time to pick up on the fact that she expected me to pay attention to her to the same extent a romantic partner might. I also didn’t realize how controlling she was (I’d get accused of not texting enough, not responding to every point brought up in paragraphs of text, not complimenting things right, etc.). 

Things had been cooling between us (I was actually forming healthy relationships with friends and a new partner) and I ended up explicitly cutting ties with her. I told her that I was hurt and all she could do was respond with what was basically, “Sorry, but here’s what I think you did wrong.” I don’t regret leaving her behind.


#40 Spreading Rumors

She spread a rumour that my girlfriend at the time didn't really exist (that social circle never met her due to my girlfriend living in another town). She also said that I made this girlfriend up to cover for the fact that I was actually dating her (the friend spreading the rumor). I was furious and broke off all contact as soon as I heard about it.


#41 Facebook Rant

I posted on Facebook something along the lines of, "Congratulations to my friends John and Mike for finally getting married!" One of my old friends then posted a long comment about how all LGBTQ people are going to burn and so will anyone associated with them. Thinking that there had to be some form of miscommunication going on, I emailed and asked her why she wrote that. Turns out, in all our years of friendship, we had never discussed anything LGBTQ related and that was how she really felt. I never spoke to her again.


#42 Falling Apart

I was in a big eclectic group of about 10-12 people. We did karaoke, bowling, dinner, etc. We also had lots of people from various ages, LGBTQ, couples, singles, and the like. We all met at a karaoke event, but we ended up sticking together for a few years doing activities. However, one of the older women started chain emailing everyone about Obama and all these conspiracy theories. It didn't ring very well with the group and we sort of fell apart quickly.


#43 Fan Fiction

It took a while to put the distance in, but I decided I was out the moment she told me she wrote fanfic. Normally, it’s something that I'd be okay with if the story didn't feature an underage boy. Over what appeared to be eight chapters, she just went on and on. She was in her early 30’s and has a son of the same age. I am so far out of contact that I don’t know what happened to her.


#44 Victim Blaming

I was out with some friends. A guy showed up who made one of my friends, let’s call her Anne, uncomfortable. There was a bad history between the guy and Ann and she had recently filed a police report against him. When Anne saw the guy come in, she was clearly upset and hid in the bathroom. One of my other friends talked to the bouncer and got the guy kicked out. 

However, one of our other friends started loudly telling the table how much Anne was overreacting and that it was unfair that the guy got kicked out. I was appalled and walked away from the situation. The next day, I texted the rude friend and told her that I really wasn’t okay with what she had said. I also tried to explain how problematic it was. She refused to apologize and continued to victim blame. Once we all stopped talking to her, she texted Anne and blamed her for “ruining her year.” I blocked and deleted her information.


#45 Planning a Road Trip

Senior year of high school, I planned a small road trip to a nearby city for me and my friends. Everyone was super excited. I planned activities, restaurants, sightseeing, looked at Airbnbs, etc. One by one, they all told me they didn’t have enough money and couldn’t go. I said it was fine, so I cancelled the trip. I found out via their Snapchat stories that they lied to me and went on the trip I planned without me, including all the activities and restaurants I had suggested. They posted a lot of the pics on Snapchat and Instagram. I never spoke to them again.


#46 Gossip Girl

I had a "best" friend since high school for many years who I would see regularly. Everything was fine until we got older and I started to realize that all she did was spread rumors about everyone in our group. I started thinking if she was doing it to everyone else, what was she saying about me? Turns out, she was telling everyone I was a raging addict. I confronted her about it and she tried to backpedal and act like she never said any of it. I never spoke to her again.


#47 New iPod

My ex-friend tried to steal my new iPod. I went to his house and told his mom. When I did, she slammed the front door on me and then I heard yelling inside. About two minutes later, she opened the door and gave it back to me with tears flowing down her face. I never did see or hear from either one of them again.


#48 Not the Same

My family had monetary issues when I was growing up. I had to work a 16 hour/day job for a whole summer just to provide for my family and I'm the youngest. I was with a friend and out of nowhere he said, “Hey dude. I know you're in pain now, I didn't have money to buy a pack of smokes the other day.” He knew I was so poor that my mom had to ask the church for food and my meals consisted of eggs and water.


#49 Over the Phone

I was having a discussion about mental illness over the phone and OCD was brought up. She said that everyone has OCD in some sort of way. I said that no, it's a diagnosable illness and while people can have OCD tendencies, it doesn't necessarily mean that a person has OCD. I also said that being particular about cleanliness is in no way the same as having the illness. She ended up telling me that I was wrong, couldn't deal with the fact that I was wrong and needed to be able to accept she was right. I blocked her number immediately and never spoke to her again.


#50 Being Different

I live in a small town. One of my employees is transgender and self-conscious about small town folks staring at her and saying things. A friend of mine saw me at lunch with her and I introduced them. A few weeks later, I saw my friend at another community function where he brought up my trans employee and said a bunch of disparaging things about her. I didn't make a big deal of it, but I have stopped asking my ex-friend to hang out. I also always turn down invitations to hang out. When I was a kid, I was "different" and I want nothing to do with people who disparage people just for being different.



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