That's Embarrassing: People Share A Time When They Exposed A Fake Expert As A Phony

Dealing with a know-it-all is usually irritating, but it can also be extremely satisfying. In a world where fake news dominates the headlines, it’s more important than ever to be analytical of what people claim to be the truth.

Know-it-alls often fail to realize that arguments stemming from willful ignorance of the facts can never be validated. No matter how eloquently something false is put, it will still be inherently false.

It could be a person with a degree or someone in a major position. In these moments, sheer embarrassment awaits these condescending fake experts.

The following people have had the misfortune of running into know-it-alls. As expected, things got a bit uncomfortable for the pretentious people who tried to show off.

If you ever feel like thoroughly explaining something to a stranger, don't act on it. They might just surprise you with their vast knowledge.


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#1 Reaching For The Rail

I'm a railroader as well as a railfan. I've had other people who don't know about my professional experience try to explain all sorts of things that I do every day. It's always fun to let them finish, then tell them, "

Yeah, I know what you're saying, at work the other day we..." They always turn bright red after and immediately regret trying to take the upper hand over me.

There's an odd dynamic in our hobby where railroad employees are treated like royalty by the railfans (which I've never understood), and as soon as you out yourself as an actual worker, anything you say is the word of God himself. But before that?


#2 Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News

I was a combat medic in the army, then a private bodyguard, and I'm now working corporate security. One of our requirements is to be first aid certified, so I had to do a short course.

My boss was aware I knew far more than required, but rules are rules, so he told me to just get it over with. The girl training the course was explaining something (related to seizures, I think).

I corrected her. She asked me how in the world I thought I knew more than her. Well, I was a combat medic in an elite unit and worked as a bodyguard where I had dealt with over a dozen seizures among other medical emergencies.

She shut up quickly and I passed the course.



#3 Wrong Field, Pal

I was at the gym and I ran into this stereotypical alpha guy that I talk to out of obligation because my boyfriend is friends with him.

I am currently getting my master's and teaching credential in education and I previously graduated as an education major with a math minor.

When I told him where I wanted to teach in the future, this guy started telling me about funding in the educational system.

He told me where it's supposedly best to go to get the most of out my salary. I was a little annoyed so I just smiled and waited for the whole thing to be over.

He verified his information by telling me that he used to work in the police department for five months.



#4 Written In Stone

I was in Nemo, a museum in Amsterdam where they hung these tablets with a game on it that helps with research of youth learning capabilities in language. I was talking to this lady, probably a mom of one of the children playing on the tablet.

She tried to help one child but she was making a mistake in her explanation.

Out of impulse, I corrected her. She turned around and told me, "What do you know about it!" I was quite taken back by this since we had been talking nicely up to that point. When I recovered I said, "Well, I wrote that software."

It was so satisfying to see her face after that.

