
Layer 3

People Share The Kindest Thing They’ve Ever Seen Or Done

It doesn’t take much for kind gestures to make someone’s day. Kindness makes the world go round and these people here know that better than anyone.
November 20, 2020 Eul Basa
Layer 3 (1)

Men Share The Most Romantic Thing Their Partner Has Ever Done For Them

Men like romance too. Special birthday presents and being taken care of on their worst days are just some of the romantic memories these men have.
November 18, 2020 Eul Basa

I’m Done: These People Quit Their Bad Jobs And Toxic Relationships In Epic Ways

There are few experiences more satisfying than getting to say “That’s it, I quit”—and these stories are proof that there really isn't a better feeling.
July 23, 2020 Eul Basa

People Share The Worst Thing They've Done While Angry

Sometimes in the heat of the moment, we say things we don't mean or do things that we'll regret. But acting while angry often leads to deep regrets.
March 26, 2020 Eul Basa

We’re Done: These Breakup Stories Make Us Never Want To Date Again

Many relationships fail. Some seem destined to crash and burn. And not just burn like a campfire—these breakup storiees explode into absolute annhiliation.
February 6, 2020 Eul Basa

Driving Test Examiners Share The Worst Thing A Kid Has Done During A Driving Test

Driving tests can be scary for the driving test examiner too. You never know what's going to happen when you put an unqualified person behind the wheel.
January 14, 2020 Eul Basa