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Men Share The Hardest Thing To Explain To Women 

Men will never know what it’s like to give birth or to go through a period. But, there are some things women will never understand about being a man. 
November 18, 2020 Eul Basa
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Women Share Behaviors That Men Think Are Attractive, But Really Aren’t

It’s hard to know what will woo future partners, but some actions aren’t half as attractive as you think. Here, women describe the worst things men can do.
November 18, 2020 Eul Basa
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Men Share The Most Romantic Thing Their Partner Has Ever Done For Them

Men like romance too. Special birthday presents and being taken care of on their worst days are just some of the romantic memories these men have.
November 18, 2020 Eul Basa
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Women Share Hurtful Things That Men Do Without Realizing It 

Men and women are fundamentally different. With that in mind, men can sometimes do hurtful things that weigh on women, all without them realizing it.
July 20, 2020 Eul Basa
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People Share Silly Expectations Of Men That Only Happen In Romantic Comedies

Romantic comedies have been around for years now and it’s hard not to fall for their charms. However, these movies place unrealistic expectations.
June 9, 2020 Eul Basa
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Men Share Telltale Signs That A Woman Is Creepy

We’re all human and capable of odd behavior that turns off others. These men share some red flags that a woman is a little off her rocker.
June 2, 2020 Eul Basa