People Share The Quickest They've Ever 'Noped' Out Of A Job

I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there before, or at least know of someone that has. Those jobs where you instantly 'noped' out and walk away with no regrets. Many people hate their jobs with the white-hot fury of 1,000 suns.

For those special individuals that find the job of their dreams and love what they do, well congratulations. You’re one of the lucky few out there.

Money is what makes the world go round, and the everyday average Joe works whatever job they can to pay the bills. But there are some occasions where the money just isn’t worth it. Don’t believe me?

Well, you’re in for a treat (and a few laughs too). Check the amazing and outrageous stories from Redditors where the job was so crazy, they instantly said nope and walked away.

DLC Lumisheet

Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!

#25 Misplaced Earrings

I worked in a jewelry store for one day. At the end of the shift, the manager asked me to put a bucket load of tiny earring packages back on the walls.

A few hours later I finish and apparently misplaced a few of them, so she threw all of them to the floor and said to do it again. NOPE.


Image result for earring store

Video Blocks

#24 Don’t Worry, You Get Used to It

When I was 16 I had an interview at a local pizza place in a not so good part of town. I was hired, and as I was walking out 2 guys came in and robbed the place. The manager gave them the money in the register and they ran out.

I looked at him and he said, "You get used to it." I never went back.


Image result for pizza


#23 Overtime...What Overtime?

I received two paycheques. The first was for the 40 hours I worked, and the second was for my 5 hours overtime without time-and-a-half from a company his wife owned. He told me any overtime I worked was for her and wasn't technically overtime.

I called the state labor dept on him.


Nanny Pay

#22 More Important Things To Get Done

Mine had to be when I was 18 and working at a video store. I was helping the manager during the before opening shift, getting new items stocked on the shelves that came in that morning.

My mom called me and told me that my dad was having a heart attack and she was panicking while waiting for the ambulance. Why did she call me at work to tell me this?

The video store I worked at was in a strip mall type area behind my cul-de-sac, my house and the video store was separated by a small alley and a 3 min walk.

I told my manager what was happening and asked if I could leave to help my mom while they waited for the ambulance. She said no. I just stood there looking at her thinking she couldn’t be serious.

I would be gone for all of 10 mins and back helping her if needed.

She stressed how important it was to get the things done that needed to be done, and I could only leave if I called around to the other workers and found someone to come in and cover for me while I was gone.

I took off my name tag slammed it on the counter and walked out. I never went back for any reason. For any who might wonder; my dad came out fine was in the hospital for a few days.


Scott County Iowa